Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ブラックベリーピッキングデー Black Berry Picking!

Naomi has a 2 hour lesson every day! Plus she keeps a daily journal to keep her writing skills up! Her English is getting better and better everyday! She uses her English for speaking, writing and doing fun activities! After she finishes her English class, she goes to the Viroqua food co-op everyday for lunch! You can check about it on her Blog too! http://springflavor.blog.drecom.jp/
Today's activity is Black berry picking!!! We took her to the secret black berry heaven in Viroqua! We picked black berries for tomorrow's activity Black berry pie baking!! Under the sun shine and beautiful blue sky. It is a paradise!
お~い!なおみさ~~~~ん!野生のブラックベリーなので、時には葉っぱや茎に埋まることに。アドベンチャー!!!Naomi~~~~~~~ where are you????? The black berries are wild sometimes we are in middle of the bushes. Extra adventure!!
3人でこ~~~~~んなに取れました!みんな8粒摘むうちの3粒はお口にいれたかな~摘みたてのブラックベリーはビタミンがた~~くさんでお肌にも良いのですね~~~~特に野生に育つこのブラックベリー。栄養価も高い!3人でおしゃべりも楽しんで!ここにいるうちにいろんな人の英語、聞いてなれていってね~~~尚美さん!Wee~~~~~~ we picked plenty!! When we were picking, we probably put 3 berries in our mouth out of 8! It's what we should do when we pick berries!! Fresh off the branch they are so yummy and full of vitamins!!
お~~~満足満足。これで明日のパイ作りもバッチリだね!ウィスコンシンに来て初めてブラックベリーを食べたという尚美さんもとっても幸せそ~~!!それに、自然の中にいながらのアクティビティーはとってもリラックスできて最高!Oh!! We had such a great day!!! It's so relaxing in nature!!! Naomi tasted black berries for the first time in her life!! Yes, Wisconsin is full of such great foods. We are so lucky to be here!!!

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