Thursday, October 30, 2008

Park in Auturmn! 秋の公園

It's getting cold but we have been having wonderful blue skies. We decided to go to a park and check it out for our next year Tours!! It's good excuse anyway. There is a river going through this park. People enjoy fishing, camping etc during the season. If you watch in the water carefully, you can still see fish! Clovis, who was born and raised in this area, has a lot of memory here. He said there must be springs around here.
He found a lot of water cress! The water from springs grow water cress! When we walk around near rivers in non winter month that ends in "er" (like october, sometimes we find water cress!
さて早速今日ゲットしたウォータークレソン。もちろんサラダでしょ~時間ができたらペストでもつくるかな~! Oh~~~~~ nice fresh water cress. For salad,,,,,, Pesto,,,,,,,,,
Dinner time! We have a lot of potatoes which were just dug so we had Korokke which is deep fried mash potatos with bread crumb! Of course with water cress and other vegetable that we still have in our garden!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wisconsin goods ウィスコンシングッツ

Today is the last day for our farmer's market! It was very cold this morning like 4C(40F). But we have to go for Amish Doughnuts. They won't come back until next May. They started coming to the farmer's market just a month ago. Since then, their doughnuts are selling out early every morning. We used to drive to 30 minutes by car to their cute little bakery in the middle of nowhere just to get our favorite doughnuts. We can't miss the doughnuts today!!!!
Ye~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s! We got 18 of them!!
そして彼らの作るバスケット、ワイルドなブラックベリーを収穫して作ったジャム、それにローカルメープルシロップ!We got other things too. Amish hand made baskets, Wild black berry jam, Maple syrup!
今日はビジターが。クロービスはオーガニックファームの共同組合であるオーガニックバレーのビデオ制作中。今日はザリトルカントリースクールでもおなじみのオーガニックアップルファームのTurkey Ridge Organic Orchardのグレッグがレコーディングのためやってきた!作りたてのアップルサイダーと沢山のアップルをお土産に!普段はめったにありつけないNo Pasteurized(低温殺菌していない)のこのアップルサイダー。う~~~~おいし~~ こんなに贅沢していいのかしら、、、。
そしてこの写真の緑の果物。これって???? これはアップルゴード(Apple Gored )です!アップルみたいな形をしていますが実はこれはうり科(スクウォッシュ)の仲間なんですね~~~これをしばらく乾燥させて来年は植えてみるかな~~~~~~。ザリトルカントリースクールに来年こられるお客様と一緒に育ててみようとウキウキわくわく!!みなさ~~んお待ちしてま~~す!
We had a special visitor today. Clovis has been making videos for Organic Valley so Greg from Turkey Ridge Organic Orchard came with their wonderful organic apples and fresh apple cider which is not pasteurized! Oh,,,,,,,soooooooooooo good!!!!! And the green one???? It's called an apple gored! He said we can dry it and keep seeds and plant them next year!! hopefully we can pant it with the little country school's clients!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pumpkin season!パンプキンの季節です

It's pumpkin season! The Viroqua Co-op has a lot of local organic pumpkins! Halloween will come soon!

Wow so many kinds of squash!! We will start curving them about a week before Halloween. ????It's time to do it!! Hurry up!

秋から冬にかけてのアメフトシーズン!スタートしましたよ~試合の合間に私達もお庭でフットボール。そしてBBQ The season for foot ball , BBQ and beer has started this year!! Between the game, we played football with our cheese football!試合開始。中に戻ってスクリーンを囲みながらドリンク片手にみんなそれぞれ自分の世界に入る。こんな季節がまたやってきました!Oh the game has started again. Get your drink!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Empty Bowl 2008 エンプティーボール

昨年に引き続きこの町ビロクアでも今年も’Empty Bowl’が行われた。その名の通り空っぽの器。地元のアーティスト達と地元の人々が絵付けなどをして作った陶器の素敵なスープボール。地元の主婦、レストラン、カフェなどの人々によって提供されたスープをそれに入れてもらう。もちろのこの器はもらえます。ミニマム$20からのドネーションによってもらう事が出来る。そしてそのお金は貧しく食べ物にありつけない人々へと送られる。
Empty Bowl. What a wonderful event!
Local artists made beautiful bowls and local people cooked great soup and volinteered lots of time too.
We painted last summer at Kickapoo Fair!

今回は地元の教会を借りて。This year, it took place at a church in Viroqua.
クロービスはPAシステムの設定そして私は、、できることはきっとウォッシング?!かな、、、と洗い場ステーションに入った!We helped little bit for preparing but I guess the only thing I can do is ,,,, washing??!!
Oh it's getting started!
Local band, nice people. great event in a small town. I hope we can keep doing this for long time!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Back to summer? 夏に戻った秋?

It has been a prime autumn here in Wisconsin. Pine trees are nice and deep green, mixed with a lot of yellow maple trees! This weekend (Oct 11th , 12th) it became around 80 F (around 24C) !! We can't miss this opportunity, so we decided to go for camping and canoeing!!やっぱりみんな同じことを考えている人が多く、このKickapooエリアは、乗馬、キャンプ、カヌー、フィッシング、ハンティングでにぎわった。といっ ても、1つのキャンプサイトには1グループという暗黙の了解のこの土地では、プライベート充実のキャンプができるのがまたまた凄い。
Yes, everybody in Wisconsin thought the same thing. Many people went for Camping, Horseback riding, Canoeing, fishing and hunting around the Kickapoo River. But here there is plenty of nature for every one so we can still have a nice and private campsite way out in nature!
Taka, Aiko, Iyo and Tomomi, do you remember here? We saw this campsite during our hiking just near the start point. We arrived in time for sunset! Oh it was just beautiful!
All of the car access campsite were full so we had to carry our stuff in. It was around 100m which is not too bad. Clovis,,,, are you looking for a home???
Of course BBQ!!
It looks just like summer. We put drinks, ice and lunch in a cooler and started our 4 hour canoe trip!
すっかり秋らしい景色のカヌーコース。 Great view from the canoe with beach, bluff and colorful trees.
Birds were flying in the big blue sky and hunting fish. An otter (?he looks like it?) came out to say hello! Winter is coming very soon but we are still able to enjoy our out doors and nature!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Autumn Camping 2! 秋のキャンピングその2

We loved the boat trip at Mirror Lake, so we decided to have breakfast on the boat too! It was a bit cold this morning. There was a nice mist and the colours where even better! We made coffee!
This is a great tool for backpacking. The top of the stove is smaller than your palm so it's easy to carry!
Good bye Mirror lake!! Let's go for hiking again!!
途中途中にはリス達の姿と動物のおうちもたくさん見られました。 There are a lot of squirrels and animal houses!!
We crossed the Big Carp River several times.

Finally we came to Lake Superior!!!! It looks like ocean! We saw a beautiful sunset again!!
Look!! Birds were making a big V shape together and flying wildly!!

When we do backpacking, it is hard to bring water so we filter water from the lake! The water from lake is just delicious!!!!!
It was after the middle of September but Clovis was swimming!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Autumn Camping! 1秋のキャンプその1

We went for 3 night 4 days of Colour camping in Northern Wisconsin!(Sep 20 - Sep 23)
The weather was extremely warm as September! We camped around 2 hours south from Lake Superior for the first day. There is a part of north country trail which starts from NY and ends in North Dakota. (about 4600 miles) We hiked just little part of it (1.7miles) today. We walked along the river and saw a couple of water falls. The leaves have just started turning into red and yellow!!
とはいえ夕方は少しずつ寒くなってきたので早速火を焚いて!寒そうには見えますが、夜は寝袋が暑いぐらいでした!ラッキー!!In evening, it's still kind of cold but we built fire so no problem!! You might see us look bit cold but in fact, we almost didn't need our sleeping bag. Lucky us!
on the second day, we started backpacking around 20 miles total!! We didn't expected so much colour but,,,,
It was just gorgeous!!
The leaves that fell on the ground especially with a bit of water, it looks so nice!
After 6 miles hiking, we arrived at the cabin! It has a wood stove inside! We took a boat trip at Mirror Lake for Sunset! Lots of birds were singing and we enjoyed it all very much! その後はキャンプファイヤーをするための木を切って
After that, we cut some woods for fire.
今日も暖かくぐっすり眠れました!It was very comfortable and warm so we slept well!

Good Bye Friends!! グッバイフレンズ

Taka, Aiko and Iyo who stayed 3 weeks with Wisconsin farmers. Now it is time to say good bye.
Everybody had a great time together! You are always welcome in Wisconsin!!!
Taka, do you remember we bought a cheese American foot ball? we had fun with it during our camping!!
