Sunday, August 31, 2008

Organic Apple cider Making!オーガニックアップルサイダー作り

(2008年5月 in May 2008)

(2008年8月 in August 2008)
5月には満開となったリンゴの花。それが今はたくさん実をつけています!と、毎年この時期になるとリンゴの収穫が始まります。今回はあの究極のオーガニックアップルファーム、Turkey Ridge Orchardにお邪魔してアップルサイダー作りに挑戦!青空の下で太陽を浴びながら、立派に実ったリンゴをダンボールに摘み取っていきます!↓ウィスコンシンの’Miss アップル’達も真っ赤なリンゴをお手にされました!
Do you remember when we visited ' Turkey Ridge Orchard (Organic Apple farm)' in May? The apple trees were in full blossom!! Now (August) they have a lot of apples! Today we are going to make apple cider!! Miss Apples are holding red ripe apples and smiling!

Let's start! Usually they use a big machine to make cider but this time, we tried the old fashion way like the Amish still does! Put the apples in the top and spin the handle to smash the apples!

Then, turn another handle to squeeze it! Go Go Keiko~~~~~

Tasting time!!! It's the best apple cider ever!!! According to the research of number of insects at apple orchard in this area, this Organic apple farm were better than some of the conventional farm! It is amazing. They have been pioneering a way of growing apples organically for a long time and now they can prove it is successful!! Please keep growing your amazing apples forever!!!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Small Family CSA Farm & Siemon farm スモールファミリーCSAファームでファーム体験とSiemon ファーム訪問

今日はオーガニック野菜畑でファーム体験!このSmall Family CSA Farmは、Jillianなんと20代の女性が経営!若さあふれるジリアンが作る沢山の野菜達は本当においしい!早速ジリアンからたくさんのお野菜を紹介してもらい、ファームを歩きながらもちろん試食しながら!
We visited the small family CSA farm! This farm is run by a young lady named Jillian!! The vegetables that she grow are so nice and yummy. She showed Keiko around her farm. Then we started picking a lot of green beans! To buy vegetables at a supermarket is easy but we realized how much hard work farmers put in to grow it!!
Keiko had never eaten raw corn before. She was amazed by the fresh sweet corn!! 
ジョンディアトラクターにも挑戦?!?! Are you going to drive that JohnDeer tractor??!!
お馬さんこんにちは!  けいこちゃん、、、お辞儀しなくっても、、、、。
Hello horsey!! Keiko, you don't have to bow to them though,,,,
She loved the hammock under a shade tree with a cute dog in the middle of nature!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Nutritious cooking! 栄養たっぷりクッキング!

Anne- Marie Cooking
Anne-Marie and Will have a beautiful home. Their land is huge! We went for hiking and picked some black berries!!ワイルドに実るこのブラックベリーはブルーベリーとほぼの味効能があり、とっても体によし!
Black berries grow wildly and are very nutritious!!
After that, we pick some summer vegetables from her garden!
Making Chapatti (a kind of bread from India)! Students learned the vocabulary for the cooking class in their English class' earlier in the week. Keiko's English listening skill are already improving tons!! She is amazing!

How fun!!
She taught us the Key to making the bread puff up!
Chapatti!!! Also we had Lentils, Fried Summer vegetables, Sweet corn, Black berries and watermelon with Maple syrup sauce on fruits salad!!
We also learn about the nutritional values, the combination of foods and the ways of cooking them. Keiko is long distance runner and she realized the importance of foods for her bodies health!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Canoe trip at the Kiackapoo! キカプー川でカヌーの旅

Today's activity is a Canoe trip at the Kickapoo! The Kickapoo river connects to the Wisconsin river then on to the Mississippi. Nice weather and gorgeous views! It's great to be in Nature!!

Keiko is taking 'English and Country life course' at the little country school. It was the first activity for her in Wisconsin! She stays with her host family Jeniffer and Charles. She is very excited for Country life in Wisconsin!! (I am Keiko too so we have two Keikos!!)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fun Cooking!ファンクッキング!!


Anne-Marie is a food specialist! See http://cookingfortheloveof theworld

She has been teaching cooking for ages. She and her husband Will live in the countryside with their sheep, Chickens, Donkeys and doggies! They introduced us to their Donkeys! They are nice and so soft!

次は、今日のクッキングに使う卵をニワトリさんから頂きに!Let's pick some eggs for the cooking!

ニワトリさんごめんね~卵温めてるところちょっと失礼します!We are sorry to bother you.......

そしてガーデンのお野菜もピッキングしていきます!自分たちで作れるものは自分たちで作るこの二人のガーデン。たくさんのお野菜やハーブでいっぱいです!安全でおいしいお野菜!すてき~~~Let's pick some vegetables and herbs! They grow many kinds of vegetables. Yummy, fresh and safe vegetable! How nice!!

さて、今日はどうやらサンドウィッチ作りのようです。パンベイキングもしますよ~。まずはホールグレインを挽いて粉を作ります!引き立てほやほやの粉を使ったバン作りです!It sounds like they are making sandwiches today! Of course baking buns too! Wait!!! Wow they make flour out of whole grain!! Fresh flour is the best!!!
Let's make the dough round shape! Everyone has their own idea for the shape!! One girl made a nice and small round bun, one made a dynamic big bun!! It is very interesting to see how creative they are!さて、今度は新鮮な卵とオリーブオイルを使ってマヨネーズを作っていきます。マヨネーズの黄色がとっても濃い!ヘルシーなニワトリさんからの卵は栄養もたっぷり!
Mayonnaise!! Fresh eggs are so yellow!! Home made mayonnaise from these eggs is also very yellow!! Healthy chickens make healthy eggs!!


WisCORNsin! Corn fields are everywhere and now it's corn season!! Everybody has been enjoying corn!!!
チックピーを使ってのハモスを作って、みんなで頂きま~~す!Home made egg salad and humos sandwiches!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Tea Time ティータイム

We were invited for Tea Time at a castle! ' Castle'????? Everybody dressed up! Let's go to the castle!

It's like a European castle!!!! And we went to the garden.
Wow, we might see a prince riding a white horse!! Our princesses look very happy though!!
Tea time!! Cookies, chocolate, sandwiches, cheese and shortcake!! The shortcake is a bit different from ours. Whipping cream and strawberry sauce on the English scone! Chi tea, lemonade, black tea and so on. Wow there are so many options!!

We had great time viewing the nature in the back yard!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sour Kraut Making サワークラウトメーキング

Wisconsin is famous for Beer, sausage and sour kraut because many Wisconsin people came from Germany! Today we made sour kraut!! We visited our teacher Adrianne's farm. Let's pick some cabbages!! When you push a cabbage and it feels hard like a basket ball that means it is ready! We also visit one of Amish farms next Adrianne farm today. (Sorry, We are not allowed to take any photos).

We all picked out a favorite cabbage from their farm!
Added some carrot to make it sweeter!
They sliced the cabbage they picked too!
then mixed with salt! Put it in the jar, then we leave it in a cool place like the basement around 30 hours and put it in the fridge after that and wait around 9 days!! We can't wait to have it!!