Monday, January 26, 2009

Australia Day in Nozawa オーストラリア デー in 野沢

さてさて、OZ達でにぎわっている野沢温泉でもオーストラリアデーをお祝いしました!It's Australia Day!! We celebrated Australia Day here in Nozawa!
朝食にはもちろんOZ BBQ!これまた日本でソーセージを探すのが意外に難しかった~~~そういえば日本はみんな調理済みのソーセージを使ってるよな~~~~ OZ BBQ~~~~~~~~ It's quite hard to find Australian style sausages here in Japan.
さすがOZ達はオーストラリアハット自前で準備満タン!野沢温泉村にあるStay Bar(ステイバー)で働くジョーさん主催オーストラリアデーパーティー。みんな続々と足を運ぶ!
Three Aussies with here Aussie hats! we are all getting ready to go to the Aussie day party at Stay Bar in Nozwa Village! Mr. Joe's Australia Day Party!
バンダバーグラムに、クラウンビア、そして、、、、 Bundaberg Rum, Crown Lager and,,,
しかも皆の手作り!まずは純ココアにさとう、牛乳、水でコーティングするチョコソースを作り Homade Lumingtons!
スポンジを切って~~~ ジョーさん真剣!! Oh, Joe-san, it's probably the first time I've ever seen you so serious!!
チョコソースをつけたら急いでココナッツでコーティング!以外にこのラミントン用のココナッツは日本での購入は難しい!なんとかゲット!Dip the sponge in chocolate coat it with coconuts! It was quite difficult to get the coconuts right too.
う~~~んおいしい~~~~~uuuuuuuuuu Oishi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yum Yum
オーストラリアンビールを飲みながら、オーストラリアデーのイブ、遅くまでラミントン作りは続きました。It was a fun Australia day eve!
最後はお掃除!??? Cleaning??!!
いやはや、バーイベント大成功!宿のお客さんもこんな小さな日本の村にいながらオーストラリアデーをお祝いできるとは!ととっても喜んでました!finally the Australian day party was very successful Joe san!! Thank you for organizing!!
ハッピーオーストラリアデー!!Happy Australia Day from the American and two Swiss!!
one Happy Australian Chick showing us her dance moves!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dosojin Festival in Nozawa 道祖神祭り 

Dosojins are a folk deity believed to ward off danger near village borders and crossroads. Their stone statures are usually enshrined at village borders. These deities are also worshiped for bringing fertility and children's growth. Here in Nozawa Onsen there is a fire festivals held every January 15th that is dedicated to them. In particular, Nozawa-Onsen's Dosojin festival is famous for its spectacular flaming size.
This is Nozawa's Dosojin. We always feed them a little bit of breakfast in an offering. today we fed them French toast! Probably this is the first western food these gods have ever had! I hope they liked it!
高さ7mほどの道祖神の社殿(全体では18mともなる)を1月15日の昼までに完成させます。The magnificent, tall shrine pavilion of Dosojin is about 18 meters high. They built it all up each year by the 15th of January!
地元の人がお正月に飾った門松などを焼きます。 Local people bring their new year decorations such as 'Kadomatsu' and burn them.

さて、1月15日の夜、道祖神の歌とともに厄年の代表6名が火元である河野家からの火を大たいまつにつけ社殿を攻撃。火消し役として42歳の厄年の男性軍は社殿にあがり、25歳の男性軍は下で構えます。Six representatives from among the people at climacteric ages (25 and 42) receive the original flame from the Kono family. The flame is started by striking metal on flint. Then it's kindled into a fire which they use to light huge torches. The fire is brought to the festival site while people sing Dosojin Songs. All the torches are light from this looked after fire. Then the locals take the burning torches try to attack the pavilion. The role of extinguishing the fires is taken by the people at climacteric ages; those who are 42 years old defend the upper part of the pavilion, while 25 year-old defend the lower part.
火がどんどん近付いていきます。 The fire is getting closer and closer!
ファイヤ~~~~~~On no get off quick the fire has come!!!
野沢温泉では長男が生まれると初灯籠を作る習慣があり、高さ9m余りの上半分が杉の木、下半分がミズナラの材を使い最上端には御幣、その下には笠、家紋の入った垂れ幕、その内側に風鈴を付けた丸堤灯と白扇やようらくを吊るし、次に絵を描いた菱灯籠。その下のお椀型にひらいた割竹には上出作った花が結びつけられ、その中に万灯籠が下げられます。一番下には近所や親類の子供たちの書き初めが。1月11日には灯籠まるめといって大宴会。15日には大勢で道祖神の歌を歌いながら祭場へ運ぶ。また会場に建てられた初灯籠は、初子の健全な成長を願って炎上する社殿に奉納され、天高く燃え上がる!At Nozawa Onsen, when the first boy is born to a couple, the family builds a 'first lantern' decoration, Lantern decorations are hung around a nine-meter pillar, of which the upper half is made of cedar and the lower half is a kind of beech wood. Starting from the top and extending toward the bottom are hung, a sacred cloth and an umbrella- shaped cover, from which a cloth with the family's crest is hung. Behind the cloth, under the cover , hung a round lantern with bells, a white folding fan, and a hanging cloth decoration.
Next is hung a diamond-shaped lantern decorated with pictures, followed by split bamboo strips covered with paper flowers, which hang off the central pillar to form a bowl shape. Beneath this arrangement are numerous lanterns. At the bottom there are pieces of New Year's calligraphy written by local children and children of relatives. On January 15th, the first lantern decorations are carried to the festival site by a crowd of people singing Dosojin songs and wooden Dosojin statues are made for praying that the first born son will grow up healthy and have a happy marriage. From the evening of January 14th until midday on the 15th, the Dosojin evening festival is held. On the 15th, People visit and pray at the shrine pavilion at the Dosojin site.

It was just amazing. Nozawa-onsen Dosojin fire festival is one of the 3 biggest Japanese fire fiestival! Everybody enjoyed it very much!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

New things for westerners living in Japan 外国人日本での生活発見!

The rubbish sorting system here in Japan is getting more strict and very complex. We have 7~8 rubbish bins (trash cans). Everybody is doing very good with reading and fallowing the rubbish introduction!
さて、私達の宿は、ほぼオーストラリアからのお客様が大勢。雪をはじめて見る!という人も多く、雪かきをすることをまちに待っていた!というありがたいお客様。Most of our clients are Australian. Some people have never seen snow before and some of them are so excited that they help us with the shoveling!
外国人の方にとって靴を脱ぐという習慣があまりない。スリッパをはいて、お部屋に行って、そこではスリッパを脱ぐ。日本へようこそ~~~~It's bit strange to take our shoes off inside for them. Also at a hotel, we use slippers and take them off when we go to almost any room, like the living room or dining room. Welcome to Japan! Don't worry we will explain everything for you when you come!!!
ミスタートニー。オーストラリアのメルボルンからやってきたスタッフの一人。かなりのキャラクターで面白い!こないだ買い出しに行ってきたときは、お塩を買うつもりで、間違いない!と得意げに買った物が、、、味の素。クルトンと思って買ったものはお麩。お腹すいたな~なんて思って食べたクルトン。日本のクルトンは通りでのどの通りが悪いな~なんてお茶目です!Ta la~~~~~ Mr. Tony from Australia. He is a character!! When he went for shopping he grabbed a couple of package of salt. In fact, it was MSG. Also he bought croutons but it was gluten. He thought it was a bit hard to get though his throat! Yep. It's gluten Tony!! We use for Japanese cooking not for snack!


We serve variety of breakfast foods. Mostly of them are western style such as toast, cereals, pancakes, french toast, fried egg etc and we serve a Japanese breaky too!! Karaage (Marinated fried chicken ) Korokke (Fried Mushed Potato with bread crumble), Nikujyaga(similar to Irish stew), Inari (Sushi rice in a deep-fried bean curd) are popular. One day we made Onigiri. To make them triangle shaped was a bit hard for these guys but they did great job! The rice we use is from Nozawa! Local rice !ミスタートニー、そんなに真剣に眺めんでも、ただの食器洗い機やから! Don't think too much Tony it's just a big dish washer!
そして日本のトイレ。オシュレットはもちろんのこと、以外にびっくりされるのはタンクの上にある手洗い用の水道。水不足のオーストラリアにはもってこい!以外に海外にはないんですね~~~~。 People are amazed by Japanese toilet sometimes. Especially a little sink that runs on top of the water tank when you flush the toilet!
Many people ask why many Japanese people ware masks. It is so they can avoiding catching a cold or allergies from pollinosis
or keeping moisture out etc. All the westerners find new odd things everyday in this little Japanese Onsen village! Enjoy your stay!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Amazing Nozawa Onsen 野沢温泉のお湯はすごい!

野沢温泉には全部で13か所の公共の温泉があります。しかも源泉かけ流しができる温泉というのは全国でも数少なく、しかも源泉は90度ぐらいあり、つかるお湯もやや熱め。なので帰りは雪の中歩いても湯冷めしないのがいい!村の湯仲間たちがお掃除当番や資金を出し合って成り立っていて、観光客の方々には無料で提供してくれているというなかなか珍しい温泉。最近は外人さん達の多いこの野沢温泉。温泉の入り方のオリエンテーションを受けてみんなどきどきしながら挑戦!1度入ると病みつき。みんな毎日温泉につかってリラックスしていま~~す!スキースノボ、温泉、そして日本ぽい素敵な村。まさにパラダイスです!There are 13 public Hot springs here in Nozawa Onsen. It has an abundance of good quality hot springs flowing up out of the Earth allowing us to have fresh hot springs baths all the time. The hot spring are around 90C!! We mix the HOT water with cold spring water, but it is still a bit hot for jumping right in. It warms us up to the core which helps keep us warm on the walk home! The people who love Onsen and live here donate time and money to keep their onsenes clean and nice. Visitors use the onsenes for free. the foreigners are all a little nervous about taking the onsen naked with the locals. we give them an orientation on what to do and what not to do in the onsen. they all end up loving the onsen once they get used to it. we go every day and we much prefer the onsen to a western shower.

ここは私達が働いているビラ野沢から歩いて1分のところにある’中尾の湯’という一番お気に入りの温泉!仕事の後にゆっくり使ってさっとお布団に入るのがとっても気持ちい!スキーの後の温泉はもっと最高! Here is 'NakanoYu' the nearest Onsen from Villa Nozawa, which is our favorite! It is so nice to have an Onsen ritght after working and then go straight to bed!! But after a long day skiing is even better!!!
中は昔ながらの木のロッカーがあり、情緒あふれています! 男湯と女湯は天井がつながっているので、お風呂を出るときはクロービスがいつも’ケイコ~~’と壁越しに呼ぶので周りの人に注目の的、、、。まぁ、、、いっか、、、、。 This is inside. The wooden building gives it a very nice old atmosphere! When Clovis is getting out of the Onsen, he always call my name 'ke~~~iko~~~~' over the wall and everybody looks at him with puzzeled faces (no one expects the white guy to yell a japanese name),,,,,that's OK,,,,,I think it's cute and everyone else is getting used to us!!

Onsen(Hot spring water) comes through the tap. We bring 'Yutanpo' (Hot water bottle), which my Santa gave me, and get some hot water from the tap then I bring it home and put it in our Futon(Japanese style bed). By the time we get in our bed, it is nice and worm!!!!

野沢温泉の13個の公共の湯はいくつか違う源泉を持ちますが、この中尾の湯はこの麻釜からパイプを通して流れてきます。源泉が違うと湯の花(温泉の浮遊物)の色も違う。黒かったり白かったり。地元の人たちはここで野沢菜を洗って漬物にしたり、お野菜をゆでたり、お料理に使います。ビラ野沢から歩いてすぐのケーキ屋さんには温泉のお湯を入れて作ったカステラが売っていた。 中で温泉を料理用に使えるのは地元の人専用で、それは源泉が90度近くあり観光客の人が落ちてやけどしてしまうと危険だからそうで。でもお料理している地元の人たちの姿はとっても情緒あふれる光景です!This is Ogama where local people cook their vegetables. Later on we found a shop that has Kastera (similar to sponge cake) which contained hot spring water! The 13 Onsens around here have a couple of different sourese. The hot water in Nakaonoyu comes from 'Ogama'. Different hot springs have different minerals. You can see different coloured little fibers floating in them depending on which hot springs the sourse comes from.

ところどころに足湯があり、ここは大きめの足湯。眺めも最高です。今は雪景色を見ながらの足湯!今日は朝から雪がちらちらと降り、夜も引き続きもっともっとふってきました! There are a couple of foot spa too! This is near the 'Ogama' view is great too! Now we have a lot of snow around here vs in the photo it was still fall. it's nicer with snow! It is snowing right now acutally! We are getting more and more and more snow!!!


???Monkeys are having hot spring too??!! You can see monkeys near here. Our lodge has a monkey Tour! some times we stop at an outside Onsen too! Onsen, Snow, Monkey,,,,,,,it's special!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year! あけましておめでとうございます!

Happy New Year!!! We had 3 days off and visited my family. I can't remember when I had a new years day with my family last time,,,, probably more than 5 years ago,,, As you know we have been working in Nozawa Onsen but this year, we had 3 days off and visited my family!! It's so nice to be with them!
Tipical Japanese new year breakfast 'Ozoni'! Soup with Sticky rice! It's first time New years in Japan for Clovis.
'Osechi' is the word for new year's dishes.
おっと、めいっこの結菜はクロービスとかるた!ひらがな、、、、クロービス、結菜先生に習いながら挑戦!This is a Japanese character game. our niece Yuna, 3 years old, was teaching him Hiragana!
やっぱりWiiが出てきたか~~~ Oh,,,,of course,,,, Wii!!!
すっかりおなかいっぱい。We were all full!! Lots of food all day!!!
We went to a shrine and did ' Omikuji' that tells you about your luck! Both of us had 'Good Luck'! I hope everybody have a great year!!
The end of our visiting, I had 39c fever,,,,,, and I was sick in bed for 2 days,,,,,, I am supposed to have good luck,,,,,,,,,,,
Take care everyone, I hope you have a great year in 2009!