Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stay clean, green and blue to avoid swine flu!豚インフルエンザ

Wow, if you watch TV, you'd think we are all going to die from "Swine Flu", every one is crazy scared about it. But if you go to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention you'll see that it's not quite as scary as the news is saying. Yes, one person has died in the USA so far in this current out break and they are still a few months from mass productions of a preventative vaccine. But you have to keep that in perspective the CDC scientists estimate that an average of 36,000 people die from influenza-related complications (normal flu) each year in the United States. Also the CDC says clearly that there are commonly available medicines through out the USA and a general understanding of how to cure it. Here is the chart of the 2009 cases so you can get a clear understanding of where it is and how few people actually have it.
テレビの報道を見ていると、あたかも私達、、、全員この豚インフルエンザで死んでしまう?と思ってしまうぐらいですね、、、。みんながとっても恐怖に陥っている今日この頃、、、。アメリカのCenter for Desease Control and Prevention(CDC)によると、実はアメリカではこの豚インフルエンザにかかった人は散発的に前からいたとされ、1年に1~2名程度というデーターだったのですが、2005年~2009年2月の間に12名とされていたようです。また、この豚インフルエンザに対するワクチンはないものの、かかった時の薬は入手する事が出来、その後の対応の仕方も分かっているとのこと。CDCの調査によると毎年アメリカでは3万6千人の人がインフルエンザなどでなくなっているそうだ。そう思ったら今現在アメリカでの死者はたっとの1名?う~~~複雑。用心には越したことないけれど、メディアで人が大混乱、、、かな、、、。
Notice how New York, California and Texas have the most cases. Populated areas are at more risk! if you live or are visiting one of these areas then here is what the Center for Disease Control and Prevention says you should do...
"What should I do to keep from getting the flu?
First and most important: wash your hands. Try to stay in good general health. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food. Try not touch surfaces that may be contaminated with the flu virus. Avoid close contact with people who are sick."
Wow that sounds like my life in Wisconsin! In our area everyone already is in good general health.

う、、、、ん、、、私達のウィスコンシンライフを考えると なんて簡単!私達の地域ではみんなが健康ライフ!they get plenty of sleep, (it's so quite and Peaceful here, at night all you hear is the crickets and frogs singing)
十分な睡眠: 平和で静かな夜。聞こえるのはコオロギとカエルの遊んでいる音だけ。

they are generally physically active,
we drink plenty of water (cause we have some of the worlds cleanest fresh water),

We even have water crest, which only grows in the freshest cleanest waters!

ウォータークレソンもほらね!綺麗なお水でしか育たないこのウォータークレソンは毎年沢山自然に育ちます!and we eat nutritious foods. (people in Wisconsin love to have gardens and grow there own food! plus in our area every one loves to grow things organically!
We even have people like my mom "Mama Jane", who helped pioneer the return to healthy eating! she teaches some of our Organic Food and Farm Tour Classes about Nutrition.
We call all these things The Good Life! It's hard not to live the good life when the Sky is Blue, the Grass is Green, the Food is Organic and the Water is Clean!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dinner on the Farm!ファームでディナー

Today I went to my family farm for dinner, the yard at our house is always like a parking lot cause my family is very inclusive and likes to invite every one over. Welcome!
We ate wild Stinging Nettles that grow in the yard naturally! They are a bit tricky to pick cause they do sting you, but after their picked then they lose their ability to sting.

Mom always steams them! Wild foods have tons of nutrition and nettles are one of the healthiest and taste yummy!お母さんはこれをいつもむして、食卓に出します。イラクサは野草の中でも非常に健康によく、美味しい植物のひとつなのです!
The family dinning table is always set so nice for big farm dinners! even fresh flowers from behind out house!ファミリーディナーテーブルはいつもビックなファームディナーのためにセッティングされます。お庭でとれた野生のお花を摘んで飾ってみます!
My sister brought her new Boy Friend to dinner :)妹は新しいボーイフレンドを連れてきました!
He was a very nice guy and he loves to travel like Keiko and I!彼は私達と同じように旅をこよなく愛する素敵な人でした!
After dinner every one helps with dishes. my family is hosting an Organic Intern from China for the next 6 months. she is the only person facing the camera in this photo. She loves Wisconsin and farming. The little Country School can arrange fun Farm-stays like hers!

Friday, April 24, 2009

I'm Home to Wisconsin!ただいま!ウィスコンシン!

I landed in Wisconsin yesterday! when you land at the La Crosse air port you land on an island as you can see in this video. also note the pelicans flying back up the Mississippi. it was the fist sign I had that the weather must be good.
I was so happy to see my red, white and blue buddy! but I still gave the japan peace sign!

Wisconsin was crazy worm for April. it was 30 degrees Celsius almost 90 degrees Fahrenheit!!!! Wow! I decided to jump strait in the Mississippi for a quick dip. the water was still really cold though so I jumped right back out.
今日この日はウィスコンシンはクレージーなぐらい暖かい陽気となりました 。4月というのに30度もあった!(90Fぐらい)そこで、僕はミシシッピ川にじゃぼーーん!と飛び込こみました!お水はまだまだひやっとしていたので、急いで出てきました!
A&W rootbeer and burgars for lunch!
Big big BBQ pork ribs at famous daves BBQ for dinner.
ビッグなビッグなバーベキューポーク大好きなフェイマス デイブズBBQというお店でディナーを。
and an american sized desert!アメリカンサイズのデザート。なつかし~~!

Today was soooooooo Hot! after I got moved back in to our house I headed to my favorite rock climbing spot! wow the weather is awesome! I was even hot and sweaty today and it's only April!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Two seasons in one week!

This Winter landscape photo was taken at Devil's Lake State Park just one week after the below muddy spring photo of a river gushing! Wisconsin is always changing cause we have 4 extreme seasons. each season is always bleeding into the next creating intense storms and weather changes. our temperature ranges from our coldest nights reaching -40c in winter to hottest humid days reaching up to +40c in summer!

These photos are from the Devil's Lake state park blog. Devil's Lake is one of our favorite Midwest adventure destinations.

Evan in winter people head to Devil's Lake for Hiking, Cross Country Skiing, Snow Shoeing and even winter fishing! people from Wisconsin love the outdoor and will go fishing in any weather! crazy people!
In the spring, summer and fall people love going to Devil's lake for biking, canoeing, swimming, camping, hiking and their world class rock climbing! this is us Rock Climbing last year at this same time of year!

look at the difference between this picture off the top of the cliffs last year and the first picture from this year! one is winter, one is spring! Welcome to Wisconsin!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Planting Seeds!

It's planting Time in the Green House!
See this crazy machine that Richard de Wilde of Harmony Valley Farm has his workers using to distribute the seeds into the trays of soil! Smart High Tech Organic Farming!

under the trays is hot water tubes to help heat the soil and trigger the seeds to take off. when the seeds feel the worm soil they think "it's spring! Weeeeee, lets grow! but since it's still cold at night Richard covers all the little seeds with a blanket to keep them worm.
It worked! they all are growing now!
The little Fennel and lettuce are up!
the little Kohlrabi & Napa Cabbage are getting huge!
The whole Green house is coming alive!