Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Devils Lake デビルスレイク州立公園 夏のキャンプに向けて!

It's spring! Although it was snowing a couple of days ago here in Wisconsin.
It was a sunny day last Sunday so we decided to go to Devils Lake (Wisconsin State Park).
We will have our camping trip for 'English and Country life' course here.
We haven't done outdoor activities for a while! We were all excited!

Do you see the lake? It is still frozen! But you can swim in the cristal clean water in summer!
Rockey Mountains in Wisconsin? ! Yes this is the only rockey mountains for 1000km!
Devil's Lake was originally a gorge of the Wisconsin River prior to the last ice age. During the ice age a chunk of the glacier came up the river valley. It deposited materials and then melted, leaving a pile of debris blocking the river. The river eventually found a new course to where the glacier had been, leaving a portion of the river gorge between the moraines filled with water. This body of water is Devil's Lake.
Hawks were flying in the sky!
We already saw a couple of rock climbers carrying their tools on them and many hikers.
I tried repelling Oh~~~~~~~~how nice I can be a monkey!
After that, we did rock climbing too. I had done only a few time but I defenetry enjoy it!
You should try when you come to the USA!!
Ground Hogグラウンドハグ(北米に住むハムスターの一種)も春を楽しんでいるようです!Hogは豚?!とても豚さんには見えないけど、、つながってるのね、、、。
Ground Hog looks enjoying spring too!

This is the famous point 'Devils door way'

田舎生活と英語コース6月8日から開始 モニター生募集中
ファームステイ/OPアクティビティー/プライベート英語レッスン 5月中旬より受け入れ可能!

English & Country life starts from JUNE 8th we are now Seeking Monitoring students!
Farm-stay/OP Activities/Private English lesson from 17th of May! Group or Individual , family, Youth, 50+ all welcome!!

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