Friday, August 17, 2012

 お野菜たっぷり  Lots of vegetable for Finn!

 最近フィンの便秘が少しずつ解消?!ぎみ!プルーンと人参たっぷりのオートミールケーキ。パクパク食べてくれます。Finn's constipation has been fading away! ? I have been trying all goody stuff. The cake has a lot of carrot and prunes with oats he loves it!
 食べる直前にキュウリをすって混ぜ込んで食べさせ始めてから結構順調!!生野菜を全然食べようとしない、そして食べていなかったフィンの体が求めてたものなのかも!本人全然気付かずやし、これはちょっと続けねば!さ、この日はマフィンに玉ねぎ、人参、パセリをふんだんに混ぜ込み、ベーコンをちょっと加えて焼いてみた。Right before he eats his dish, I grate some cucumber and mix with his meal. He doesn't notice at all and it seems working well! This is vegetable and bacon muffin. It has a lot of onion, carrot, parsley and bit of bacon.

あ、食べた!気に入ってくれたようでよかったーーーー!野菜たっぷり健康になってねーーー!He is eating!! Oh it is great to eat a lot of vegetables!!

ついでにチーズスフレも焼いちゃった! Cheese souffle! (it is not for Finn!!)

はははーーーー快調快調!!Haha---- I am a healthy boy!!

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