Thursday, August 2, 2012

オーストラリアからの贈り物!A Gift from Australia!

メールボックスをいつものようにチェックするとそこには箱が一つ。オーストラリアから。誰かなー?!箱を開けるとキイへのプレゼント!ちびくろさんぼちゃんからだ!次男ということでお洋服はほとんどお下がりのキイに新しいお洋服が送られ、そしてベイビーが喜ぶ音が鳴るかわいい人形達。ワンちゃんのぬいぐるみはキイの初めてのぬいぐるみ!遠い遠いブリスベンに住む大事なお友達。遠くにいてもいつも気にしててくれるお姉さん。ほんとにありがとう!I found a box on our mail box. There is no sender name on it but it is from Australia. I was wondering who sent to us??!! It was for Kii!!! From Natsuki! She sent Couple of outfits and toys! Kii doesn't have so many new outfits as a second boy it is very special to own new ones for him! And the toys are awesome! He stops crying when I make noise with the little sun and flower! The stuffed doggy is his first stuffed animal! We miss Natsuki. We live so far away from each other,,,. Thank you so much Natsuki!!!

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