Thursday, July 16, 2009

パート2 Wisconsin & Chicago Part 2

Harumi loves gardening. Susan, who has a wonderful garden, showed them her and her friends gardens! Harumi is a gardening teacher in Japan, so she knows a lots of flower! Oh the gardens where so beautiful and I forgot to take photos,,,,,,
さて、その次は、ザリトルカントリースクールのアクティビティーの中でも人気の蜂のワックスから作るキャンドルメーキング!Then we made Bee Wax Candles!
そして、健康食を教え続けて30年というおなじみの先生アンマリーと今日はカウボーイ料理!Cowboy cooking with Anne- Marie who has been teaching healthy cooking more than 30 years!
一生懸命コーンブレッドの生地を練っているカオルさんをワッキーは心配そうにのぞいている。でも全然心配なし!おいしかった~~~!アンマリーと旦那様ウィルはほぼ自給自足の生活をしている。本日のメンイメニューの鹿肉のチリに入っている鹿肉はウィルが昨年の狩りのシーズン中弓で射とめた。殆どの人はガン(鉄砲)を使うけど、弓で射とめるのはそう簡単ではない!デザートにはルバーブ(マルバダイオウ)とストロベリーのパイを!テーブルの上に何やらビールの瓶が?!そうですこれも自家製ビールで、彼女の家にはホップが栽培されていて、それを乾燥させてビール造りに使いますからホップも自家製です!かおるさん、お味はいかがでしたか???!!!Harumi was watching her husband cooking and working in the kitchen like his mom does! Anne-marie said "You don't have to worry Harumi, he is doing very well!" Anne-Marie and her husband Will makes almost everything by themselves. Today's main Menu is Venison (deer) Chili. Will Harvested the deer with a Bow and Arrow, which is very difficult! He doesn't like to use guns. For desert, we had rhubarb and strawberry pie! Oh, you see a beer bottle on the table, that's cause they grow hops in their garden and dry it and make their own beer!!!Wow it sounds great!
On the way home we stopped by an Amish family farm to see them milking their cows. Amish in this area still milk cow by hand! They evan offer for us to try milking the cows so we did it!!!!!!! It was such a unique experience squeezing out milk with your hands!!!

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