Saturday, December 10, 2011


私のガーデンの最後の収穫物はブルッセルスプラウト!芽キャベツ。玉ねぎやらかぶの葉っぱやらセロリや人参お野菜たっぷりとサンクスギビングの残りの七面鳥でとった出汁とお肉でクリームシチュー。冬ってかんじーーー!!Brussels sprouts were the last vegetable from my garden. Cooked with Onion, turnip leaves, celery, and carrot and turkey broth that was from the thanks given!
下ごしらえしたら後は薪ストーブの上にのせておけば勝手にお料理してくれる!It's cream stew!! I love to have this dish in Winter especially cold night!! Once it's prepared, I just put on our wood stove for a while and it's done!!
フィンにはオートミールと混ぜてフォークで食べやすいように。あんまり食べてくれないフィンもこの日はほぼ完食!やったーーー!I mixed with oat meal for Finn so that he can stab with fork easily. And tara~~~~~~~~~~ he ate it all!!! He is very picky for food I am so glad to see it!Wii~~~~~~

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