Sunday, January 27, 2013

名古屋 Nagoya

 わ~い!富士山がみえた!1月4日は名古屋へば~ばと私達みんなで名古屋の親戚のお家へ車で移動。まだ世間はお休み期間だけど、渋滞もそれほどなく順調順調!そしてなんと新東名とやらができていて、益々快適なドライブでした!とはいっても朝10時半ごろにでて到着したのは午後6時。ちび達もよく頑張りましたー!今回はば~ばが一緒に載ってきてくれたのでちび達も助かりました!1/4 we went to Nagoya in a car visiting our relatives and friends! It left Baba's house around 10:30 and arrived around 6PM. It was looooong trip but as smooth as it could be. There is a new express way called Shin(new)Tomei wow it was very comfortable driving. There are so many tunnels of course Finn loved them. He was so excited to see the view and couldn't take any nap.
 お家に着くと、おいしい夕食を作ってまっててくれました!Auntie Satoko made dinner for us! It was delicious!

あ、さっそく電車が始まった! Of course Finn never get board as long as he has trains.
さ、次の日はおばあちゃんの三回忌。久しぶりに親戚の皆さんともご対面。子供たちはみんなと会うのは初めて。あれ?この写真、ビフォー & アフター?! The main event was the second anniversary of my grandma's death. Many of my relatives got together and we enjoyed it. Is this photo supposed to be before and after?!

あれ?フィン、電車のってる!Finn is on a train!

鉄道マニア仲間のアンクル智貴が普段電車に乗る機会がないフィンを名古屋駅まで連れて行ってくれました!Uncle Tomoki used to love trains. He took Finn, Rino and Yusei to show Trains!

名鉄電車! Here it comes!

一番のお目当てはこれ新幹線!Shinkansen! (Bullet train)

あ~電車っておもしろい!もうここにずっといたいよーーー!アンクル智貴、ありがとーーー! I don't wanna go home,,,

すっかり仲良しになったユウセイ君とリノちゃんとも明日はお別れ。お次は神戸へと向かいます!Finn really enjoyed spending time with Rino and yusei but it is time to say good bye We are going to Kobe tomorrow!

 お世話になりました!Thank you so much for hosting us we had a lot of fun!

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