Monday, September 10, 2012

ペニーの誕生日会 Penny's birthday party!

 同じ町に住むペニーちゃんの2歳のお誕生日におよばれ。バースデーボックスハウスへようこそ!We were invited  for Penny's 2nd birthday party! This is Penny's birthday box house!

メリーちゃんと一緒にペインティングを始めました!この二人2歳にしては一つの事にかなり夢中になれる。Julia had a great idea for kid's activity! We had a couple of little artists here!! 

お!主役のペニーちゃん登場!たちまち筆洗いのお水をぱっしゃーーーん!フィンは大好きなレーズンを食べながらそんなペニーちゃんを観察。Penny!!! She dumped out water that is for painting right away! It's O.K today is your day! Finn was watching her eating one of his favorite food raisins. 
ペニーちゃんのパパはみんなのために何枚もピッツァを焼き続けてくれました。ありがとー!生地もパリッとしててかなりおいしかったー!Penny's dad made pizza for us! It's so delicious!
 さー手作りケーキでお祝い!アイスクリームも手作りで添えられました。Of course the birthday cake and ice cream were home made too!! Home made is always special!
 わーいプレゼントいっぱい!フィンは自分があげたプレゼントに何が入ってるのかかなり気になっていた様子。Wow lots of presents! Finn was so curious what is the gift that he gave to Penny! 'What's in there What's in there!!' We hard so many times.

わーい瓶から飲むぞー。(果汁100%の炭酸飲料です。)Wow I am drinking from such a cool bottle!
 みんなで書いた絵はなかなかアートに仕上がりました!Wow the painting ended up quite artistic! Well done kids!

 フィン?!フィン子?!Finn?! You are beautiful!
 みんな何見てるの?What are there watching?!
 うわー突然ストームらしきものがやってきた!ちょうどパーティーも終わりごろでよかったよかった!しかし雲が素敵!Wow it's cool! We were just about finishing the party and getting rain. Good timing! Happy birthday Penny and thanks for having us with you!!!

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