いよいよみんなが楽しみにしていた巻きに入ります!Students were so excited for this part! Let's roll!!
巻いていくうちにコツがつかめたようでとっても上手に巻けました!Wow it looks great! As they roll more they get better!
中身はシーチキン、アボカド、卵、赤いのはローストレッドペッパー,照り焼き豆腐、そして、ニシンの酢漬け。みんな上出来上出来!簀巻きやしゃもじ、寿司桶を貸してくださったブレンダさん、ありがとう!そして何せ田舎で寿司の材料をそろえようと思うと一苦労。そんな材料をそろえてくれたジェーン(メインティーチャー)、おうちでよい子にしててくれたフィン、ありがとう!!We used Tuna from can, Avocado, egg, Roast red pepper Teriyaki Tofu and pickled herring! Well done everyone!! And thanks Brenda to loan us your Japanese cooking tools we couldn't do without them and thanks Jane to get all the ingredients! And thanks Finn I heard that you were super good boy while I was away!!
His first Sushi! If he points out somewhere saying' u------------nnnnn' means he likes it and wants to have some more. Let's see how it went!!
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