Friday, May 8, 2009

Gays Mills Folk Festival ゲイズミルズ フォークフェスティバル

My sister Cedar and I went to a Square Dance at the Gays Mills Folk Festival tonight!
WOW, it's a good old fashion time! in the video below you can see the Folk band jamming out and also my sister and Kieth dancing!僕の妹シダと一緒に’ゲイズミル’というリンゴの栽培が盛んな土地で毎年行われるスクウェアーダンス フォークフェスティバルに行って来た。お~オールドファッションタ~イム!フォークバンドのビデオをどうぞ!

An elementary friend of mine was pointing out to me how young every one is. when we where little only the old folks danced to this type of music, but now lots of young people are moving to our area just so they can live in the country and experience the peaceful fun life of country folks!
How does every one learn to do the dances? well this dude in the next video teaches them!

and at the end of every dance you Bow to your partner. it's kinda like Japan, A little bow and thanks at the end of every thing.そして、最後にパートナーにお辞儀をして一つ一つの終わりに感謝の気持ちを込める!日本人みたいにね!

you should really come try this some time! visit our website to learn more about our fun country area and all the exciting things we do!


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