Friday, May 30, 2008
Day6 Farmer's Market 1day experience 6日目 ファーマーズマーケット体験
Today we became farmers for a day. This year is bit colder than normal. So vegetables are bit late. We picked lots of Water Cress from the wild spring at the farm! It was just gorgeous!!
Water cress is so refreshing and nice and spicy!
Then we washed them and put in a bag. Now we are ready to go!
La Crosse Farmer's market is just 15 min by car from here. It opens from May through October every Friday afternoon. It serves as a Community hang out too!
We arranged the water cress and spinach on the wagon nicely. We sold Wild Cress pesto and Honey too!
We put sample on the table so that people can taste it. The water cress pesto has walnut, Extra Virgin Olive oil, Salt. Oh ,,,, So yummy!!!!!
We enjoyed to be a farmer for one day!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Day 5 Organic Local Cooking 5日目 地元のオーガニッククッキング
Organic Cooking teacher Anne-Marie learned Macrobiotic from Mr Kushi who is one of the original founders of Macrobiotics. She moved to the US from Denmark 18years ago and has been studying and teaching for 30 years!
Anne-Marie and Will have small farm so they make lots of things by themselves.
The theam was Local foods cooking. ' eat local foods ' is not only supporting local farmers but also good for your hearth. Nature and Human, is connected to each other!
We brought some vegetable from the farm we visited then cook with them!
We have a lot of corn field in Wisconsin so today Anne-Marie choice was Polenta. They have a machine crack corn to make corn flour! We had fresh corn flour!!
It is important to have a balance of foods prepared in different ways. Anne-Marie maked us feel liking cooking is so easy and very interesting!
She told us about making tincture, Skin/Hair oil from natural stuff out of her garden and the woods.
She will publish her book soon! I can not wait!!!!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
day 4 Apple blossom in full bloom! 4日目 リンゴのお花満開!
It has been great weather! We visited Greg and Fey's Organic Apple farm.
Apple blossom are in full bloom now !!!
They are really amazing farmers.
You can't miss the way of their farming. They use all benefit from animals. They let pigs on the ground to dig soil so they can till. Then put chickens so that they can eat bags from the tilled dirt. Next is sheep. They eat grass and houses too. They eat different grass and they will make quality soil too!
These are different levels of Organic farming. Some of them are just border of the line but here, I would say this is the real Organic!! They keep trying whatever good for nature even sometimes it is very risky for them. They think about nature all the time and let them live comfortably same as human. We want to have nice life so as plants!
They encourage young people know about Organic agriculture. They started to teach at public high school ' Organic Agriculture' which was the first time a public school had Organic Agriculture lesson in their curriculum in the USA.
Today they explained a lot of key for Organic Apple farming. It was just amazing.
We learned that we should be nice to nature and nature will be nice to us too!
After that, we transplanted strawberry. To make stronger strawberry, they let plant just settle down which means they won't get any strawberry so that strawberry can use all nutrition for their roots and get enough nutrition for themselves. I realized that the key for Organic farming is SOIL. It is also same as human. Plants need time to get comfortable with the soil human need time to get used to live new environment!
We really should think about plant how they feel! That is the key!!
Then we visited another farm (Vegetable and flower). Arolo 2 years old girl helped us weeding! Organic farm always needs weeding. It takes long time and need man power but we can make such a nice vegetables!
We picked seasonal vegetable!
Onion, chocolate mints, finnel!
This year is bit colder than normal but it is getting warmer so farmers are excited!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Day 3 Wild Cooking ワイルドクッキング
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Organic Soil オーガニック栽培の土とガーデニング
Tomoko and I joined a lesson at a local high school. We learned about 'Organic soil'. The teacher Greg runs an Organic Apple farm. He dumped examples of good and bad soil on the desk and we touched the soil to see the difference. Organic doesn't rely on chemicals. It has the miracle of life!!
In fact, Nature knows nature, we need to know nature a bit more that is the key to working WITH nature!
We started making 'The Little Country School Garden!' When we were tilling, we found a lot of Earth worms, the color of the soil was dark and the texture was light!
We plant Ground cherries, and other vegetable including Japanese vegetable. After our planting, rain started! How lucky we are! Plants are also happy for sure!!!!
Come join our farming!!
The Opening! ザリトルカントリースクール開校!
Grand opening of The Little Country School!
Our first client Tomoko came to Viroqua from Japan! We are so excited!
なんと、ミネアポリスのイミグレーションで、目的は?と聞かれた時に、観光と答えられた際に、’ビロクア(私達の町)で観光?!本当に??’と、今まで全く’観光’というイメージのないこの田舎に来る事が信じられない!という様子だったそうです!もちろん最後にはHave a great holiday!といわれ、無事に通られました。さすが’ビロクア’観光客として外国から来るという事が本当にないまだまだ知られていない隠れ家です。初日はウェルカムパーティー!ジェーンはホームメイドアイスクリームマシーンを持参しくれました!蜂蜜の味がほんのりするクリーミーなやわらかなバニラアイスクリーム!
When she was at the immigration, she was asked if she really goes to Viroqua for sightseeing as nobody believed that someone from overseas would come to Viroqua. It's new for everybody! But it's a great place!!
We had a welcome dinner with some teachers at our home.
They are making homemade Ice cream!
She gave us wonderful hand made wine grasses! Red and white are a color for celebrations!
Our sister drew a picture of Wisconsin country!! Thank you everybody for supporting us and helping us open The Little Country School!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Morel Mushroom! 春のキノコアミガサタケ
その後は火を焚いてBBQを。Morel Mushroomはたっぷりのバターで炒めるのが一番!味も何とも言えないキノコのデリケートさが!BBQ Time!! Buono Buono!!!!
野生に育つスミレもかわい~~~早速押し花にしてみました!Wild flowers are so cute! I am making some pressed flower out of them for post cards and art!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Dandelion たんぽぽ
We have lots of Dandelion in our garden!
Bright yellow smilies in the Green!
Dandelions have a very high nutritional value!
Let's have Dandelion for dinner tonight!
これがなかなかいける~~~~ほろ苦いタンポポの味はニガウリ?!のような感覚で食べられます!The roots has bitter taste but very nice in 'Kimpira'!
Dandelion Crispy Tempra!
It gets dark around 20:30 in Wisconsin now. I went to the garden to see the dandelions but they were sleeping. The flower close at night!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Home made Pasta! ホームメイドパスタ
I brought my pasta machine,which I bought in Italy 1998, from Japan this time. I went to Italy to study Italian and I found it at my favorite Kitchenware shop in Firenze. I visited there every day after school and I bought it knowing we can buy in the US or Japan,,,,! Anyway, after our moving into town, finally I had time to make home made Pasta! Semolina 100% PASTA!! It's so easy too!
Other sizes too!
Fettuccine beef and red wine sauce!!
材料 2人分 ingredient セモリナ粉 200g Semolina 200g 卵 100g(約2個) Eggs 100g (about 2 eggs) オリーブオイル 小さじ2 Olive oil 2 teaspoon
塩少々 little bit of salt
1 セモリナ粉をボールに入れて真中にくぼみを作って残りの材料を入れる。Put semolina in a bowl and make a dip or a pocket then put rest of the ingredient in there.
2 10分ほど混ぜながらだんだんなめらかなドウにてのひらでこねていく。Knead it about 10 min until nice and smooth.
3 ラップに包んで冷蔵庫で一晩寝かせる
put in a fridge one night. 4 2つに切り分けて、麺棒で1cm弱位まで延ばして、そのあとはくるくるとパスタマシーンへ。Cut into 2 and make it about 1 cm thick by rolling pin then use a pasta machine.
(はじめは一番太いサイズにし、だんだんと好みの細さにする)(Try the thickest size first)
詳しくは からお問い合わせください。
Monday, May 5, 2008
A Baby was born! 赤ちゃん誕生!
We had a baby at farm! Mama sheep had a hard time when she was giving birth. She had 2 babies but one of them didn't make it..... She was a bit weak after all her work so we gave her a shot of helpful vitamins and hopefully she will get better soon.すでにみんなに仲間入りをしたベイビー。
Look! The baby has already been joyfully playing with the others!!