今日はかつてシカゴでフレンチレストランを営んでいたシェフモニークがフランスの伝統的なお祝いパーティーに招いてくれました。Candlemasといわ れ、キリストが生まれてから40日目のお祝い。また、この日は秋分の日と春分の日の調度真ん中の日で、昼と夜の長さが一緒になるのでこの先どんどん日中時 間が長くなるという事を祝う。
Our friend Monique who used to run her own restaurant in Chicago invited our community people for her party .The Christian significance of 2nd of February is that this date is forty days after Christ's birth at Christmas. Moreover, under Jewish Mosaic law the ceremony of purification takes place 7 + 33 days = 40 days after a child's birth. February 2 is also significant because it falls nearly midway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.
お料理は地元でとらえたシカ肉のシチューに、ホウレンソウとチーズのクレープ!The Dinner was also delicious! Venison stew, crepes with spinach and cheese, salad and nice bread!
In France, Candlemas is known as La Chandeleur. Crêpes are served with the evening meal. One superstition is that if the cook can flip the crêpe while holding a coin in the other hand, the household is assured of prosperity in the coming year.
モニークはフランス出身で、今夜は彼女の地域で行われるやり方でみんな挑戦!温めたフライパンにクレープの生地を流し込み、その真ん中にコインを入れる。これがライト(日の明かり)と見たてられる。We did crepe making by her area tradition, Put the coin on the crepe and flip it over. If the coin fall into the pan it means you get good luck!
Yes! I got it!!
フランボワーズのソースでおいしく頂きました!And we ate it with raspberry sauce which was great!
モニーク、素敵なパーティーをありがとう!!Thanks Monique, it was wonderful!!
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