Tuesday, December 14, 2010

雪とお引越し Snow and moving

引越しの日。前日降った雪で一面真っ白。雪かきに数時間。膝ぐらいまではあるかな~。そして荷物を全部ホーストレーラー(馬を運ぶトレーラー)とミニトレーラー、そして車に積み込んで家族やお友達が手伝ってくれたおかげで1日がかりでお引越し。Moving day! we woke up to over 12 inches of snow and it was a high of 7 degrees:( It took a couple of hours of shoveling before we could get the horse trailer close enough to start loading our stuff. Luckily we had great help from family and friends and we managed!!
田舎道のドライブはほ~んと素敵!Country roads are so beautiful with snow on everything!
どさっと降りましたね~ Lots of snow on everything~~~
フィン、ここはどこ?!Mr. Finn, where are you?!
ベットルームの窓からはこんなに素敵な景色が!引っ越す予定の家に行けるまでひとまずファームにステイの予定。Yes, we are on the farm. It's a beautiful view from the bed room. We are staying on our parents farm until we move into the house we are buying.
明日からはフロリダへ行ってきます!雪もいいけどあったかい所に行けるのは幸せだ~~~!さ~フィン、飛ぶ準備はできたかな?!We are going to Florida tomorrow. Snow is beautiful but warm weather sounds really great! Are you ready for flying?!

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