Saturday, June 28, 2008

Spring Harvesting! 春の収穫!

Vegetable Season!!
Asian greens in my garden are ready to eat!!! It's only 1.5 months since I planted! I'm so excited for cooking!

Of course I cooked Japanese dish with our vegetables! It makes me feel like I'm in Japan!
Noodle soup with lots of Asian vegetables, salad, Ohitashi which is just boiled Komatsuna with sesame or bonito flake! Japanese dishes are simple but yummy!!
クレソンはカシューナッツ、ガーリック、オリーブオイルと合わせてペストにしてみました!辛味がきいてこれまたいける~~!I also made Cress Pesto. Cress, Cashew nuts, Olive oil and garlic blend together. It was just nice and spicy!! It's really good with your wine!!
Also we went to the little country school garden for weeding. The vegetables have been GROWING LOTS!!
レタスもこんなに大きく!Huge lettuce,
Ground Cherryもこんなに可愛く出てきました!パイ作りもそう遠くはない?!かな!!
Oh I can't wait for the grand cherry pie!!
Tomato!!!! Texas already had ripe tomato a month ago! Wisconsin is nearly there!!
沢山のラディッシュ達!新鮮なおいしいお野菜に囲まれて幸せ~~~~!Cute radishes. Oh such a wonderful life we have!!!

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