Sunday, June 8, 2008

Day 10 Noh play rehearsal and Jam/Pie making 能リハーサル見学とパイ/ジャム作り

Today we visited the high school to see their Noh play rehearsal! 'Noh',,,,sounds very difficult! Are they going to preform in Japanese or English????!!!!
It was in English. Nishikigi, Onigawara, Obasuteyama,,,,,,,,, I think I saw in my Japanese text book but ,,,,,don't remember so much,,,,. As we were guessing, the teacher asked us some questions!!! Tomoko has a lot of knowledge for all genre so she answered the question just like that!
All the student gathered around her and she explained to them a little bit about Japanese traditional stories and the students listened very closely!
They have only a few days till opening night! You can do it!!

Then we went to Sofia's for Jam and Pie making. She teaches Jam making, sourdough baking and so on at folk school in this area. We picked some rhubarb stalks from the garden for both Jam and Pie. you can make jams from Grapes and rhubarb without adding Pectin because contain natural thickeners that work the same.

ルバーブはウィスコンシンでベリー系のシーズンが始まる少し前にとれるもので、唯一パイに使えるもので、この時期は過程でルバーブを使ったお菓子を作る人が多い。カフェにもルバーブパイが並びます!この先フルーツのシーズンになれば、ますますパイが楽しみです! Rhubarb is the first thing we can use for Pies in Wisconsin so this season, many people bake Rhubarb pie and also you can enjoy at the cafes too!
It will be fruit and berry season soon so we can have lots of pies!! I can't wait!!

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