Wednesday, June 8, 2011


おなじみキカプー川でのカヌー体験です!カワウソやフクロウが間近で見えたようです!今回のアウトドア、すべてお天気ばっちりでした!Kickapoo Canoeing! They found two river otters and a amazing pair of owls!! wow, yesterday a Fawn and today a pair of Owls, you all are amazing animal magnets! 川で泳ぐと気持ちいけど、走るのも気持ちいね!この後はアーミッシュ達のお店周りをしました!
it was so hot that we ran to the swimming hole! wait for me! After that we visited Amish shops and tried some fresh cheese curds.


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