Friday, March 25, 2011

あらら、、、ごめんね Oh, I am sorry

日本のニュースからやはり目が離せない毎日。募金活動やイベントに向けての準備でそわそわの中、先日に引き続き、、、。息子は一人で遊ぶ日々。ふと気がつけば今度は顔にボールペンで書いちゃった、、、。I have been busy for checking news about Japan and also donation campaign etc,,, My son Finn has been playing alone. Look at his face,,, I feel bit guilty,,,, I am sorry Finn,,,,


Anonymous said...

wow! he is dancing all over! -clovis

Keiko&Clovis said...

Yes when you come home, he will be walking!!!!:) Love, K&F