Tuesday, June 8, 2010

パピー誕生 Puppies!

今年の春、ファームで買っている犬のボタンがパピーを3匹出産しました!初めは隠れて出てこなかったけど、やっと表に出てきました!This spring, Jane's dog Buttons had three puppies! They were under a play house but now they are all out!!
3匹のうち、1匹が女の子!ほんと、か~わいい顔してる!!One girl and two boys. (This is a girl)
この子は活発で他の二匹に比べるとまるまるしてる!なのでビックボーイという名がついた。皆それぞれの個性があって、それぞれかわい~~!さ~、私たちのベイビーもあと1か月。待ち遠しいな~This guy is nice and chubby so he was named 'Big Boy!'. Each one has a character already! Sooooo cute! Our baby is coming in a month! We can't wait!!

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