Tuesday, May 28, 2013

歩いてます!I am walking!

 11カ月で数歩歩き始めたキイ。その後しばらくは進歩いていなかったのに急にこんなに歩きだいた!Kii started to take some steps when he was 11 month old then he didn't walk by himself so much for a while. But today he just decided to race around our kitchen!!

ぶ~んぶ~んといいながら新幹線を持ちながら車にまたがる。 He loves cars, trucks trains and whatever his brother likes.

 フィンはもうすぐ3歳になるので最近ミルクボトルを禁止にした。結果、指をくわえるようになった、、、。Finn is almost 3 years old so he quite to use a bottle. He puts his fingers in his mouth now,,,, well we will see,,,,
兄弟毎日遊んでおもちゃ取り合いして楽しんでます!They play hard together everyday !

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