Thursday, September 30, 2010

消防署とカジノ?! Fire department and Casino??!!

この日はファミリー旅行でミシシッピー川のほとりのキャビンに行くはずが??!!ミシシッピー川が洪水し、キャビンにお泊まりはキャンセル。予定していたミシシッピー川沿いの小さな町の消防署のファンダライジングディナーは引き続き参加することに。ファイヤーマン達、はりきって水いっぱいまき過ぎちゃったかな?!Our family trip by the Mississippi has got canceled because the river was flooded.,,, But we went for the fire department fund-rise dinner.
わ~こんなにいっぱい集まった!Wow many people!!

BBQバーガーはかなりいけてた! The dinner was very good!
そうそう、ビールにあうんだよね~ Oh ye~s It's good with beer, right Finn?!!

あらら?周りでいっぱいゲームしてる!フィン、興味深々。??? People are gambling!! It's a Casino!! Finn looks so curious!!
ファンダライジングではギャンブルは認められてるんですね~ It's allowed to do gambling if it's fund rise event!
今度はこっち!Here he is!
調子はどない???!!How are you doing buddy!?
Finn goes many different places with his family and he is very excited to see lots of different things!

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