Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Return of the WISCONSIN posts! 春のウィスコンシンにまいもどり!

We are still in Japan but we go HOME in a few weeks to WISCONSIN! we are really excited!!!! We Love Wisconsin!!!! So we are going to start posting about what things are going on in Wisconsin this Spring!

Now the snow is melting and the ground is waking up!
If you brush the leaves away you can find the first little spring sprouts! Seeds it's time to wake up and start growing!
the little sprouts are sooooooooooooooooooo Cute! and the soil is so soft and worm in the spring.
小さな野生のネギのようなリーク達もお目覚めです。早春にしか育たないリーク。スープにしたら最高です!春はワイルドフードクッキングには最高の季節!5 月から6月上旬、森の中は大きなスーパーマーケットのようにわんさかと生命力の強い美味しい野生植物が現れる!昨年のブログにさかのぼると内容も見て頂け ます!
Even the Leeks are up! Leeks are like little wild spring onions that only grow in early spring! they are great in soup! Spring is the best time for Wild Foods Cooking! In May and early June the forest becomes like a big supper markets full of tasty treats! Yum! check out this post from last May of us searching and gathering foods from the forest and cooking with them.

Keiko thought last year that Leeks tasted great raw!!!!! Keiko you're crazy!
Everyone should come join us this Spring in Wisconsin at The Little Country School!!!!

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