Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cherry Day! チェリーデー

We had a big cherry day today!! We can grow Sour cherry here in Wisconsin. I can't wait a cherry pie!!!!Look! they are like a ruby!! So beautiful and cute!!
Sun makes cherry sweet! I climbed up the ladder and picked a lot of cherries!!! This year they got bit of damage from tornado but we can still have it! It's such a wonderful moment!!
Here we go! Full of cherry!
The second farm we went to had more cherries so I got more and more!!!! I am sure it's enough for us this year!!
We came home and did pitting! It took us about 2 hours for 2 families cherry! The machine Jane has is great you push the handle and pokes a cherry. The pit goes into the container beneath. It 's very simple but so useful!!
こうして冷凍用のビニールに入れて冷凍保存します!フレッシュのうち今日はチェリーチーズケーキを作りました!!After the pitting, we put them in freezer bags and keep in a freezer!! I baked cherry cheese cake with the fresh cherry!!!
季節の幸せ。この先も食のシーズン真っただ中のウィスコンシンの旬を満喫したいで~~す!It's been so wonderful to have fresh foods and peace! We will have more and more!!!!

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