It was unusual weekend for us. We drove five hours to Green Bay WI for kid's event. Thomas the train is coming to Green Bay! (It's kind of crazy!!) Well it was near Finn's birthday and I was looking for something for him. Of course we planed to camp out by the great lake since we are going toward that direction but,,,, I got sick,,, so we decided to stay at a Hotel. さて、グリーンベイの町には初めての私達。そこで見つけたのがここ、ベイビーチ遊園地!ちび達が乗れる乗り物、こんなにある遊園地初めて!しかも1回25円ほどって!!!But we found such a great amusement park here in Green Bay! http://greenbaywi.gov/baybeach/ There are so many rides that our boys can ride!!! And each ride was only 25 cents! It was a hit!!!
え~い、ボーイズ!好きなだけ乗りたまえ~~~~!太っ腹!Boys, you may ride as many as you want!!
ぎゃはは ぎゃははが止まりません!They giggled and giggled and giggled.
バキュンバキュン!Shoot Shoot!
Ding dong!
うわ~観覧車。むき出しだと結構スリルあるね~。Without flame, it's quite a thrill!
乗り物に慣れてきたボーイズたち、今度は一番のお気に入りの電車に二人だけで乗るって??!!いってらっしゃーーい!!Now boys want to go without us!!
五大湖の近くまでせっかく行くのでキャンプを予定していたら、私が風邪をひいてしまい、キャンプはキャンセルしホテルへ泊まることに。They enjoyed playing in the swimming the night and morning.
ピザとスープを宅配オーダーしてプールサイドで。子供達とレストラン行くのって結構エネルギー要るからね。品数豊富な朝食もついてるし、クロービスが、パーフェクトなホテルを探してくれました!夜もなかなか興奮して眠れないボーイズたち。だって明日はトーマスに会いに行くからね!We ordered pizza and had it at the pool side! Clovis found a perfect hotel for us! Thomas is coming soon boys!
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