Thursday, June 4, 2009

オーガニックバレーツアー Organic Valley Tour

Organic Valley was established by local organic farmers in 1988. Last year they had 20th anniversary!! They started out with only an office in a farmer's house but now they have huge headquarters in 'La Farge' in Wisconsin. La Farge sits in the Kickapoo Valley which is a beautiful nature as well. Today we visited the head office. At first, we had lunch at the "Milky Way Cafe" which is organic valley's cafeteria for their workers. They have great organic lunch everyday and all the products are from organic valley or near by farms! Organic Valley has a garden for their workers, so people can take care of their plants while they are at the office! How nice!!! Papa George joined our table. He just came back from Japan and he is very interested in rice farming! He loves agriculture and even seeks it out and studies it when he goes on vacationo.
ジョージは、このオーガニックバレーの設立から携わり現在もCEO(Chief Executive Officer)を務めるが、オーガニックバレーの牛乳パックを見てください!ジョージのサインの下には’CEIEIO’シ~アイイ~アイオ~’まさか!あの’オ~マクド~ナルド ハダ~ファ~ム イ~アイイ~アイオ~’(日本では一郎さんの牧場でイ~アイイ~アイオ~ですね)名刺にも書いてあったので、重要会議で、真剣に’ジョージ、CEIEIOとは?’質問をされた方もいたそうで。それ以来ちょっと恥ずかしいな~と思いつつもすでに印刷されているので構わず今も使っているジョージ。 George started Organic Valley with other farmers and he is still working as CEO. But look at the milk container. it says CEIEIO~~~~~!! that's cute!
After the lunch, we learned about the history of Organic Valley and Clovis shared lots of interesting stories about how his area became the leading county in america for organic farming. Sizuka would like to work in the organic industry in Japan. I'm sure she learned a lot today!

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