Thursday, January 26, 2017

奈良 こび家での滞在 その1

 22日、やっとこびのお家に到着!こびのおうちには5歳の晴馬と3歳のるいがいるからうちのボーイズ合わせ2歳から5歳まで男の子5人がわいわい!Finally we arrived at Kobi's house. This is our third time to visit their house so we are always excited this trip!! They have Haruma (5years old) and Rui(3) so we have 5 boys between 2 and 6 years old wow how fun!!

素敵すぎるこのお庭。コンクリートやら何から何まで、すべてこびの手作り!Kobi made her yard so pretty!!

 砂遊びの大好きなボーイズはさっそくみんなで砂遊び!Everybody loves playing with sand this is perfect!
She has a little space for her garden which grow quite lot of foods like BIG Daikons, carrots, turnips!!! We are so amazed!! And taste so good!!!

 こちらもまたこびの作品でキッチン。もっと詳細を写真に収めておけばよかった~This is a Kitchen that she made!

こちらも手作りワゴン!This is a wagon made by her too!
 奈良にはたくさん面白い公園があります!みてみてながーいながーい滑り台。Nara is a one of the old city in Japan. There are many mountains around and lots of nice park for family!

 山に囲まれた素敵なところ!あ~奈良ええわ~~~I love Nara!!
 まだまだ遊びます。わ~こんな屋根ももう珍しいねぇBoys never stop playing!
 汽車ポッポはみんなの人気者!Trains are always popular!!

もうず~っと一緒にいたいね~!They love teach other so much!

二年前と変わってへんわ!二人とも恒例の裸踊り!まだまだ奈良での楽しい日々は続きます!Haruma and Finn's naked dance again! (They did 2 years ago too) I wasn't sure if they remembered or not but they proved it!! 

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