Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Canoe Camping 1 night trip 一泊カヌーキャンピング

One night Canoe Camping at the Kickapoo! There are a lot of campsite on the Kickapoo! Today we will get to our campsite by canoe!!
心配していたアイコちゃんもイヨちゃんもすっかりお手の物! Girls are doing well!!
カヌーの道にはこんなに豪快なBluffを見る事ができます。それに野鳥の鳴き声も何とも言えないこの平和なひと時!You can see gorgeous bluffs and hear wild birds' singing!
3時間半のカヌーの旅、無事到着!!After 3.5 hours we arrived near our campsite!!
We built fire and we had relax time!! Then we prepared dinner.
Girls wore mosquito nets just in case!! Oh we look kind of scary,,,,,,.
After dinner, of course Marshmallows!! But ,,,, I forgot chocolate which was supposed to go with Marshmallows.... ,,,,,, Sorry everybody,,,,
Next morning, everyone made own breakfast which is our family tradition! Make a whole on one of Three slice of bread and put it on the top of another one. Crack an egg in it and put another bread on the top. Put a couple of bacon around it and wrap with tinfoil. Then put on the fire!!!
焼けたかな~~~~ Oh I can't wait!!
ほ~ら!カリカリになったベーコンとそのうまみが広がったパンと卵!ハイキング前のエネルギッシュな朝食には欠かせません!Ye~~~~s! Crispy bacon and the bread and egg suck its juice! Yummy Yummy energy breakfast!! It's great before hiking!!
雨かもと言われていたお天気もなんのその。青空に恵まれた晴天となり、絶好のハイキング日和となりました。According to the weather forecast, it was supposed to be rainy but we didn't get any rain!! Lucky us!!
多くの人が馬を連れてのお散歩をしているのでハイキングの途中には馬に乗った人たちとすれ違いました!Sometimes we saw some people riding on the horse during our hiking! People come this area with their horse and enjoy horse back riding! How neat!!
上からの景色は何とも素敵!!Oh it is just wonderful!
野生の動物や鳥がたくさん住んでいます!There are a lot of wild animals and birds!
We had a great camping!!

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