Friday, November 19, 2010

ガールフレンド Visiting a Girlfriend

We visited Julia and Penelope who is 2 month younger than Finn.
自分より小さい人を見るのは稀なフィン。二人はアイコンタクトとってます!この頃の2か月ってずいぶん違うんだな~ フィンが大きく見える!It is very rare for Finn to see someone smaller than him! They were looking at each other!! Two months apart is very different at this stage. Finn looks big!
フィン、大丈夫。君の髪の毛もそのうち生えてくるよ!That's O.K Finn, you will have more hair like Penny does!ダディークロービスとアンティーシダローズはママジュリアと幼馴染。フィンもペニーちゃんと素敵な幼馴染になるね~きっと!ペニーちゃん将来フィンのガールフレンドになる可能性だってない事もありえる!!?? Cedarose, Clovis and Julia are very good friends since they were little. Finn and Penny will be like them oh Penny might be Finn's future girlfriend??!!

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