Sunday, March 28, 2010

父の一周忌 The first anniversary of my dad's death

One year has past since my dad passed away by interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis. None of us expected it would take his life so early. We were panicked and confused. when he passed away just 2 weeks before our Japan wedding I had to arrange the funeral and still have every thing ready for the wedding. My dad gave me power. My family and friends gave me power. The wedding ended up being very emotional and healing. Then when we had our wisconsin wedding later that summer, we even had my mom, relatives and friends over to our home in the USA in July. We had such a great time hanging out country style, we will never forget it. In this last year, we have had so much excitement; starting in tokyo with our first of two wonderful weddings, great lakes color trip with Clovis' family, Trip to Colorado and California, Winter in Maui life and my brother and his wife having a beautiful baby, plus we are expecting a baby too! We don't know what happens in our life but everything has a purpose. We prayed for my father a lot and I told him all the great things we have been doing through prayer. My family had gathering for his memorial day in Japan. Since I am pregnant we did not fly back but we put candles up for 3 days and prayed in Hawaii. My mom who I worry about is doing great. Now I can see my dad is having Sake with his new friends and watching us with a big smile.

Friday, March 26, 2010

こねない超~~~簡単パン!No Knead bread!

ビロクアに住んでいる人はお家でお料理、パン、お菓子作りが大好きな人が多い。今日は地元のカルチャースクール、ザリトルカントリースクールで主にベーキ ングを教えているソフィアのレシピの中でもこねる作業が要らないパンを作った。材料を混ぜるだけで一日放置。本当はダッチオーブンがあるといいんだけど、 マウイにいる間はダッチオーブンは持っていないので今回はスキレットを使用。People in Viroqua love cooking and Baking. Sofya who is one of the driftless folk school teacher and a good friend of ours bakes really nice bread. Today I tried one of her recipe 'No-knead bread'. Sounds great already! Just like its name, we don't need to knead the dough. We just mix the ingredients and wait over night. Then bake it!うひょ~一気に膨らんだ!いい調子いい調子!Looks good so far!!
表面もなかなかいい色してる~ Done!! Nice colour and smell!!
ひっくり返してもええいろしてる~~~ the bottom also looks great.
スライスしたら、、、、うわ~~~い!大成功!Sliced it. Wow!!!
オーガニック オールパーパス小麦粉(中力粉)3カップ(1カップ250ml)
塩 小さじ 1+小さじ3/4

ドライイーストとぬるま湯だけ先に混ぜておいて、その後は全部一緒に混ぜるだけ。混ざったら一晩おいてオーブンを475F (約250C)に温める時にダッチオーブン なければスキレット等もこの時に入れる。ダッチオーブンの時は余熱30分ほどかけて。あっちっちになったダッチオーブンまたはスキレットに生地を入れてオーブンの中へ。ダッチオーブンの場合は蓋をして30分 蓋を取って更に5~15分ぐらい。加減を見ながら。スケレットの場合は合計45分~60分ほどで焼きあがり!冷ましてからスライスする。是非お試しあれ~~~!
It's so easy!! Now that I know about it, It's one of my favorite recipe!!! If you bake bread at home, you can get nice Organic yummy bread with reasonable time and money!! Check her blog at

Thursday, March 25, 2010

ジェーンマウイの旅 完 Jane Maui Trip ending

引き続きハナハイウェー。私たちの中ではもう恒例となったレッドサンドビーチ。After the cafe, we stopped at Red sand beach.
午前中に行くのがベスト!It is best if you go there in the morning.
雨が降って来たので岩の下で雨宿り。雨がやんで少し小寒かったけどクロービスとジェーンは天然プールに入ることに!母の手を引く息子の姿。なごみますな~ It started raining so we went under the rock and stayed dry for a while. It was a bit chilly but Clovis and Jane decided to swim! Clovis always quotes his dad when he is contemplating a swim "you'll never regret it!". Look a son hold his mother's hand! How nice!!
さて、州立公園にたちより、溶岩のトンネルを見に。この後は雨がざ~~~~っと降って来た。植物たちはきっととっても潤って喜んでるかな~。ハナハイウェードライビング、無事終了!Then we stopped at the state park to see the lava tubes. the rain kept getting stronger so we decided to go home! At least it's good for the plants!!

最終日は今までお天気がどうもすぐれなかったイアオ渓谷へ!よかった~最後の最後で連れてこられて!今住んでいるお家からはイアオ渓谷の天気が見えるので毎日チェックしてたけどこの日だけだったかな~ Jane's last day on Maui. Iao Valley is cloudy mostly, so we had been checking the weather from our apartment for 2 weeks. Finally it became nice weather up in the valley!!
夜のフライトだったのでジェーンは最後のお買いものへ。その間私たちはまた新しいスポットへスノーケリングをしに行った。帰り道、あまりにもクジラがぷしゅ~~~っと吹いているのが目にとまったので、立ち止まって少しみてみることにした。すると~~~~~~こ~~~んなに岸に近くやって来た!しかも3匹ぐらい!わ~ボートに乗らないでこんなに近くで見るのは珍しい~!!きっとジェーンへの最後のお別れを言いに来たのかな~~~!これでジェーンの2週間のハワイの旅も無事終了!We took Jane for shopping in lahaina and on the way back, we saw so many whale's splashing so we decided to stop and watch them. They came very very close to the shore!!! Jane is easy to get sea sick so we didn't take the whale watching boat trip this time, but look! They are soooooooooooooooooo close!!! I bet they came to say goodbye to Jane! Well that was her Maui trip. We had such a great time together!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

ユニークカフェ ハナハイウェー a unique Cafe on Hana highway!

ハナハイウェードライビングをされる方は是非このカフェへ!場所はナショナルパークのセブンプールズから南へ向かうと右手にフルーツスタンドとカフェがあるのですぐにわかるはず!If you are planning on taking the Hana highway loop drive, you should check this out! This unique cafe is located just a minutes from seven pool (to the south)on your right. You will see a fruits stand and cafe.
ここのコーヒーは全てマウイのもの。材料はほとんどここのファームからとれたものか地元のものというこだわりがある。コーヒーを飲む人は是非エスプレッソ又はエスプレッソを使うもの(カプチーノやカフェラッテがお勧め。もっとお勧めでユニークな体験ができるのがコールドドリンク。Their coffee is all picked off their farm and then they roast it every morning! Most of the ingredients are from their land or local. besides their milk which is Organic Valley! If you are a coffee drinker, I suggest the espresso or something with espresso such as a cafe late. But if you try some cold beverages, you will have unique experience!!
クロービス~エクササイズでもするの~? Clovi~s, are you going to do some excise at the cafe???

な~ルほど。この辺りには電気が通っていないので、ソーラーパネルやジェネレーターでの発電の生活です。なのでお店にももちろん電気はなく、コールドドリンクなど、ブレンダーが必要な時にはお客さん自ら発電をしてブレンダーを動かすんですね~!Yes. This area doesn't have electricity so they use solar panel or generators. So they don't have electric at the cafe neither. When you order a cold beverage you get to paddle the bicycle which makes electricity so they can use the blender!
さて、今回私たちが選んだのはCHILLERというドリンク。ドリップしたコーヒーを凍らしたコーヒーアイス、ここでとれるサトウキビから絞ったジュース(上の写真はサトウキビのジュースを作ってます)、ココナッツミルクをブレンダーにかけたもの。フレッシュなサトウキビとココナッツミルクのほのかな甘みとコーヒーとの相性がとってもいい飲み物でした。グラスはアメリカンサイズ?!なので日本人なら2人でシェアしても充分かも!Today we ordered Chiller! that is with Iced coffee (that is real coffee ice cubes), Fresh Sugar cane Juice and Coconuts milk blended up. It is very fresh taste and Yummy!!!
外には竹に囲まれたテーブル席が有り、とっても心地がいい!くねくね道のドライブに疲れたら是非個々に寄ってみては!!Nice bamboo space!! If you get tired from winding road driving, this is the place to go!!

Bamboo T shirts! 70% bamboo and 30% organic cotton. Wow! Bamboo, oh I can't forget about this. here is the bamboo living web site that was updated recently and they got more videos that Clovis made! It is absolutely beautiful!! Check this out!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

ステフのフルーツオーチャード Steph's Fruits Orchard

Mr. サステイナブル ステフさんにジェーンを会わせたいと思い、彼のファームへ立ち寄らせてもらいました!We wanted to introduce Mr. Sustainable Steph to Miss Organic Jane. So we visited Steph's beautiful land while Jane was here.
ココナッツのジュース。いつのんでもほんのり甘い自然の味がいいですね~割りたてでココナッツの殻から飲む所がまたたまりません!Coconut juice is such a refreshed drink! I love it! especially fresh from the coconuts shell!!
以前訪れたときとは違うお花が満開に!うわ~素敵な色だ~~~~ There were different flowers from last time. Wow what a gorgeous color!!
近くで見るとこんな感じ。絵具で色をつけた見たい。これが自然の色だなんて!!!It looks someone painted it!
ハワイに来て一番食べているフルーツがこのパパイア!ヨーグルトと食べるととってもマッチしておいし~!We have been eating Papaya almost everyday since we came to Hawaii. we cut a Papaya in half and use it as a bowl for our morning Yogurt, it is very yummy!!クロービスが持っているこのフルーツは、何やら、パンプキンパイのお味といっていた。数週間後の今、熟したところを食べたら、ほ~んと、パンプキンパイのフィリングだ!サツマイモにも似ている。Clovis is trying to Imagine how this odd looking fruit can taste like pumpkin Pie filling!?! but we tried a couple of weeks later once they where ripe and Yes it tasted like pumpkin pie filling or maybe sweet potatoes!!
じゃ~ん。南国といえば!!This is the one! What fruits do you imagine when you think about a tropical country??
そうです。ドリアンのお花がせいていました。ほ~んのりあの匂いが。ここにはほ~んとうに色々なフルーツの木があっていつ来ても楽しいな~ Yes it is durian. Steph described it as strong flavored with a mix of earth and Carmel. but I have heard others say it smells like baby poop! clovis what does it smell like? I love to visit steph's fruits world!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

ホースライディング in Hana Horse Riding in Hana

ジェーンは大の馬好き。ファームでも現在は7匹の馬を育てていて、ファームの周辺にとどまらず、あらゆるところをホースライディングして楽しむ。先日ハワ イ島にてホースライディングをしたけど、今度はマウイにて。リゾート地のラハイナや観光地のハレアカラではホースライティングができるところはどこにでも 広告が出されているけど、東側のハナエリアで探すのは少々苦労した。そこでやっと見つけたのがここハナの近くのキパフルというエリアにある'Maui Stables' web
Jane Loves horses. She has about 7 horses on her farm. she rides on her big beautiful farm and also loves to take her horses out west (by truck and trailer) and go for pack horse camping trips! She did horse riding on Hawaii Island as you saw on this blog but she wanted to ride on Maui too! It is easy to find a place for riding in the resort area and on Haleakala because those places are so popular. but finding a spot on the east side of muai is bit harder. Finally we found one in Kipahulu area near Hana. 'Maui Stables' web
ここのツアーの特徴は何と言ってもガイドさん。地元で生まれ育ったこのガイドさん、まずは歴史の説明。ガイドさんのご先祖様たちはかなり早くからこのハワイにやって来た人達でタヒチ人がハワイに来る前だから1000年以上も前。ハワイの歴史を語る30時間もかかる歌を覚えたり、ガイドブックでは載っていないような色々な説明を聞く事約1時間。その後いよいよ馬に乗ってこの大自然あふれるところをお散歩!This tour is very unique. It is not only riding a horse but also you will get to know a lot of Hawaiian history and all about hawaiian herbs and plants from a Local guide! He knows so many things! His family came to Hawaii very early like over 1000 years ago before Tahitian came. He said when he was young, he had to remember a song about Hawaii history that takes 30 hours to sing!
天気もさいこ~ Weather turned great!
Wild Cows!!! in maui there are wild cows, pigs, goats and chickens! it's like a big farm, only some times these wild animals do a lot of damage to the native ecosystem. They look very relaxed I think that is why Maui beef is so yummy!!
この3カ月ぐらい全然雨が降らずだったマウイの東側もこの数日どっと雨が降って滝も潤っている!Last 3 months, we had almost no rain but Jane semmed to bring the rain with her. At least this means the water falls look great!
Herb walking time! He knows every single herb and wild plants around this area. Of course Jane was standing closest to him! She loves herb walks! It was about a 4.5 hour tour. It was great value!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

マウイの食満喫!Jane smiles for Delicious food on Maui

ハワイを満喫中のジェーン。ハワイ産のパイナップルマンゴーパパイヤ、タンジェリーン、バナナ。レイとウクレレれでバッチリハワイアン!Pineapple, Mango, Papaya, Tangerine and Bananas grown in Hawaii, plus a Lei and Ukulele makes Jane Hawaiian~~~~
ココナッツが大好きなジェーン!フレッシュココナッツのジュースを飲んだあとは果肉をすくってクニュクニュした触感とココナッツの味を楽しむ!Jane loves Coconuts! It's a real one fresh from the tree!! First we drink the fresh coconuts juice then we scoop out the white part!
普段はファームで卵を両手に持っている姿がジェーンらしいけど今日はアボカドだ~~~~!We know Jane always holds eggs at the farm but this time, she has avocados in her hands!!バナ~ナ!トロピカル~Banana tree looks very tropical!
フレッシュオーシャンフィッシュをめっちゃくちゃ楽しみにしていたジェーン。ウィスコンシンからじゃ海は5千キロぐらい行かないとたどり着けないからね~1.5キロ位あるアヒを丸ごとフィッシュマーケットでゲット。この後これ全部使ってお料理しました!ソテーしてライムをかけたもの、ココナッツミルクとガーリック、玉ねぎのソースにからめたもの、お刺身、フィッシュボールスープ、ほんと丸ごと食べました!She was so excited about Fresh Ocean Fish! Maybe cause Wisconsin is so far from the ocean. We got a 3 pound Ahi from the fish market! I prepared it several different ways; Pan fried with fresh lime juice; a Carmelle Coconuts sauce, fish ball soup and a little bit of raw fish with soy sauce and ginger for me!! the fish ball soup used up all the extra parts ensuring that we used the whole fish!
ハワイ名物?スパム(ランチョンミート寿司??!!ハワイやグアムはスパム消費が最も多いらしい。コロラドのおじいちゃんはスパムについていつもジョークを言ってるからこの写真はおじいちゃんへ!Spam Sushi??!! It's said that Hawaii and Guam consume the most spam per capital in the world! Grandpa, you should come to Hawaii!!
この日はやっぱりビロクア(ウィスコンシン)のお友達テッドとノウェルたちとビーチピクニック。We love to have BBQ on the beach! We did it a couple of times while Jane was here. Ted and Nowell used to live in Viroqua too!!
そしてこの日はクロービスのお誕生日でした!(3月11日)リクエストはスノーケリングとビーチでBBQとくにパイナップルはポイント!スノーケリングは今までで一番いいスポットをまたまた発見!マウイのビーチからのスノーケリングはかなり価値あり!It was Clovis' Birthday!!(March 11th) He requested Beach BBQ especially with cooked pineapple on Maui beef burgers. plus he wanted to go snorkeling. We found one of the best snorkeling spot with a shore access!! I think Maui has some of the best spots for snorkeling that do not require a boat trip!
もっと大きな口あけないとはいんないよ~~~ Clovi~~~~~ Open your mouth bigger or it won't fit!!
ジェーンと一緒に作ったジャーマンチョコレートケーキ。フロスティングはココナッツとバター、ブラウンシュガーとピカーン。チョコレートスポンジ生地には75%ココアのチョコレートが入ってます!激うま。Mama Jane and I made German Chocolate cake for him.
We needed 2 containers for the sponge parts but I had only one so we used a pie container, which gave it a funny shape. Jane said that it's going to be a volcano cake. Look! she is right it looks like a volcano! It's a Hawaiian cake! Happy birthday Clovi-------s!

Monday, March 15, 2010

ママジェーンのハワイ島紀行Mama Jane in Big (Hawaii) Island

2週間のハワイ滞在中にママジェーンはマウイ、そしてハワイ島を訪れた。ハワイ島では是非とも火山を見なければと3日間を使っての小旅行。ハワイ島にいるお友達を尋ね、早速火山を拝見!以下、ハワイ島についてはママジェーンにコメントを書いてもらうことにした!This time, Mama Jane visited the Big Island(Hawaii Island). Let's see the photos with her comments!!
The only lava present right now is coming from this little crater within the big crater. The little crater has erupted about 8 times in the last month but only enough to go back into the crater so no new lava is flowing down the mountain.

Standing at the entrance of an old lava flow tube. 古い溶岩の流れた後の空洞の入り口。
This is an old crater that no longer erupts. You can walk thru it on a path. これは古いクレーターで、これ以上噴火はしないので、ここを歩く事もできる!
They have had large volcanic flows over the mountain and down to the ocean. One type of lava flows slow and is shiny and ropy as in the picture above. It is called Pahoehoe lava.大きなスケールの火山の動きで、溶岩は山からから海へと流れ出た。溶岩でもゆっくりんがれ、上の写真のように縄のような形をし、ゆっくりと流れるものはパホエホエ溶岩と呼ばれる。
The other type is rough and flows fast and is called aa lava. You can see the two types in picture above.荒々しく早く流れるアア溶岩。上の写真でわかるかな?!

Orchid garden at Hawaiian Tropical Gardens near where Casha lives. It is an older established tropical gardens of great beauty set on the edge of the ocean and has beautiful fall running through it. One section is devoted to orchids. ハワイアン トロピカルガーデン。ここは、海辺に作られた古くから立てられた美しいトロピカルガーデンで、中には滝が流れている。その中の一角にはランのガーデンがある。
This is probably a type of ginger – the Hawaiian Tropical Gardens had numerous types of ginger – each with its own unique flower and color. これは多分生姜のお花。ハワイアントロピカルガーデンには本当にたくさんの種類の生姜を見る事ができた(多分50種類ぐらい)。それぞれのお花はこのようにユニークな形と色を持っている。

Casha and I riding in the Waip’o valley. A lush, wild valley of great beauty. A few people live there but have no electricity or running water. They must own a 4 wheel drive and live in danger of flooding as much water comes into the valley. お友達のカーシャと私はWaip'o バレーにて乗馬を楽しんだ!何とも潤ったワイルドな美しい谷間。このエリアには少数の人々が暮らしていますが、電気も水道もない生活。彼らはきっと4WDを持っているに違いない!じゃなきゃこの水が洪水になった時困っちゃうもんね。
This is the warm pool of water heated by the volcano that used to be cold but things changed and now it is warm. It is on the way to the black sand beach. これは火山によって暖まったお水のプール。以前は冷たかったお水も今は暖かい。ブラックサンドビーチに行く途中にありますよ!