Tuesday, July 14, 2020

ウィスコンシン川カヌーと川遊び Canoe at the Wisconsin with Granma Grandpa

I’m feeling really thankful to have my parents in such good health. We hit the Wisconsin river together and my dad and mom can run and play tag with my kids still. It’s not something we take for granted, as we lost KEIKO’s beloved father before our kids were even born. COVID19 brings the value of togetherness and humanity into focus.ウィスコンシン川にてカヌーです!グランパ、グランマもばっしゃばっしゃ一緒にお水で鬼ごっこできるぐらい健康で何よりです!コロナのおかげでいろいろ制限がありますが、家族と過ごす時間を大切にしていきたいと思います😀


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