Wednesday, March 18, 2020


雪!朝起きたらお庭がまた一気に真っ白!学校キャンセルかなー そやそや、、すでに長期キャンセルやったー 
Snow😀 school might be cancelled😀 wait, no school for a while anyway😆!
Thanks to all the teachers prepared three weeks of homestudy work sheets!!Boys got excited and worked on right away!

みんな家にいるとお家も更に散らかりまくり😂なので家事分担作戦。はじめはもっと手間がかかるけどこれを機会に色々できるようになってくれーうちは男ばっかりだから可能性は低いやろけど、、、、。  When boys are at home our house gets extra mess so I decided to share our cleaning routines!


Kii was bit sick today (we think he got from his brother though the doctor said Finn's sickness is not contageous,,, I heard two cases of corona virus in La crosse,,,)but still wanted to do something😉.

そんな中、ボーイズたちは一日の終わりまでエネルギーがありあまって、今日はゴーストバスターズで踊ってました😁By the end of the day they got little crazer😄

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