Friday, March 27, 2020

やっとよくなった!Got over finally!!

Outside day🎉Spring is here!Finally boys are getting better and it was warm outside! They spent most of the tIme outside😁

Thursday, March 26, 2020

手作り木のパズル Hand Made wooden Puzzle

ロビンの手作りパズルをグランパが届けてくれました!Boys has been shick and Grandpa dropped off the Handmade wooden Puzzle by Robin for boys! It's beautiful and fun!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

栄養付けて元気なれ!Goodies from Grandparents

Supper yummy nutritious chicken and wildrice soup from Grandma
Jane Siemon
😊!We can't see each other for a while as boys are sick,,,she dropped it off at our house with a fun book and 250 pennies from Grandpa
George L Siemon
as Finn is crazy about finding rare coins! Sweet!!🥰Soup was so yummy and it was a perfect dinner for us!Thank you so much!Can't wait to see you😆!!
Little bit of outside time helps a lot.Everyone is so tired of being sick and stuck in the house,,, We love our yard😊

Saturday, March 21, 2020

アナウンスメント Announcement at home

Our morning announcement😁! It has been hard as all three plus one boys have been sick and stuck in the house.But they keep entertaining us😃I love seeing their creativity😁
学校が閉鎖、今日からは外出制限。ボーイズプラスクロービスは風邪をひき、家に隔離状態。それでもボーイズたちは毎日いろんなことを考え出して楽しませてくれてる😁 個人的には子どもたちと過ごせる時間が長くなってうれしいけど、早くコロナウイルスおさまってほしい、、、😆みなさんもお気をつけて😉

マスクがなくなった!Out of masks!!

We ran out masks so we quickly made masks with paper towels😁. You don't need to sew just use masking tape!Well it's better than nothing!
マスクがなくなったので急遽キッチンペーパーでマスク作り😀 マスキングテープで止めるから縫うて間もなく、キッズもできる!ないよりましか!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Homeschool day4

在宅学習4日目 今日はキッズヨガからはじまり、学校のワークシートやらカタカナの練習。
Day4 Everyone besides me getting bit of sickness but still doing O.K🙂.Started with Cosmic Kid's Yoga!They love this especially Star wars one😊. All the boys worked on their work sheets.

Kii usually goes to Tillo's class on Thursday for reading boddy at school so they were doing at home!

Finn had been working on his presentation about Mt. Evelest and he did it tonight! The video is only a part of it but he has all the information memorized and prepared the photos to do his show😀he did supper great!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


雪!朝起きたらお庭がまた一気に真っ白!学校キャンセルかなー そやそや、、すでに長期キャンセルやったー 
Snow😀 school might be cancelled😀 wait, no school for a while anyway😆!
Thanks to all the teachers prepared three weeks of homestudy work sheets!!Boys got excited and worked on right away!

みんな家にいるとお家も更に散らかりまくり😂なので家事分担作戦。はじめはもっと手間がかかるけどこれを機会に色々できるようになってくれーうちは男ばっかりだから可能性は低いやろけど、、、、。  When boys are at home our house gets extra mess so I decided to share our cleaning routines!


Kii was bit sick today (we think he got from his brother though the doctor said Finn's sickness is not contageous,,, I heard two cases of corona virus in La crosse,,,)but still wanted to do something😉.

そんな中、ボーイズたちは一日の終わりまでエネルギーがありあまって、今日はゴーストバスターズで踊ってました😁By the end of the day they got little crazer😄

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

在宅学習二日目 Homeschooling day2

Day 2 home schooling We had fun again😁!Kii wanted to make salt dough map like he did in his class at school! Also he was working on math with Japanese abacus! Finn is getting ready for his presentation about Hymalayan mountains😉he can spend whole day for his research!Then they went outside and worked on building their fort and played soccer!Outside was so nice we had campfire at Finn's new fire place. He learned from Boy scouts camp!😉We cancelled our trip but it doesn't stop us roasting marshmallow!Oh it was fun!!