Monday, March 9, 2015

ティオ お宮参り Tillo Omiyamairi

 ティオ君お宮参り!といってもティオはもう3か月。フィンもキイもやったことなかったので私も初めて!We went to Hirohata-Hachimangu (Shrine)for Tillo's Omiyamairi
In the case of birth, after one month it’s common practice in Japan to take the baby a Shinto shrine for its Hatsumiyamairi (literally “first shrine visit”) often shortened to Omiyamairi. more detail →


 We didn't do for Finn and Kii when they were baby. But now the Kimono fits perfectly! 

あ~きもち~。神様へのご報告まとめてしてきましたー!Oh it's so comfortable~ we did it! 2/28

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