Thursday, December 31, 2009

満月の夜 イン マウイ  Full moon night in Maui

12月30日(ハワイ時間)の夜。月はほぼ満月となった。そこでこの日は外にベットを作って寝る事にした!December 30th was the full moon. So we decided to sleep out side tonight!
マウイの空。昼間は美しい空色と夜は星空が満点。それにココナッツの木が黒い影になってるのがまたいい。私たちがここでこうして暮らしてるのも、なんだか夢の様。We spent the night looking up through the palm trees at millions of stars and a big bright full moon. Living here in Maui is just like living in a dream.
Moon light was so bright we could take photos with out a flash. We slept with nice breeze and sound of ocean. We work up with the birds singing and the sun shining the next morning!

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