Monday, June 29, 2020

フィン10歳の誕生日 Finn`s 10th Birthday camping at Goose Island!

Finn's birthday weekend trip😁!Can't believe he is 10! I am glad he is still willing to put our birthday crown on! He caught a bunch of his record size fish especially the dog fish!(26inches)Oh we had a lot of fun!


Monday, June 15, 2020

お魚釣り絶好調!Great fishing day at Sidie Hollow!

Boys are on a roll! The fishing 🎣 at Siddie Hollow has been great this week. Watch these videos to see what truly excited 😜 happy boys look like! Makes all the work of being fishingparents worth it.I found a good way to cook them!Soak in milk and white wine then marinated with tamari, vinegar and mayonnaise then sifted potato starch and flour and saute with coconut oil and sesame oil.(I put them in the airfryer to finish)ボーイズ達ノリに乗ってます😁持って帰ったバスも夜な夜なさばいて牛乳と白ワインにつけ臭みをとって更に、醤油、酢、マヨネーズにつけてココナッツオイルとごま油でムニエル、仕上げはエアーフライに入れてカリッと😋

Friday, June 5, 2020

さようならポップアップ Goodbye our pop up!

Good Bye our pop up! We had so much good memory with it and moved on to next now! めっちゃいっぱい思い出できたポップアップともお別れし、次のステージへ。ありがとうポップアップ!!
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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

久々の再会 ミシシッピ川でボート

Grandpa and Grandma took us for fishing on Mississippi! Finn cought a Northern Pike and a minnow, Kii cought seaweeds, Tillo says he got millions of bites😁! The Weather cooperated and it was even HOT!