初の曾孫ベイビーフィンを見にコロラドからしかも車でやって来たひぃおじいちゃんおばあちゃん。Lillian and Bob traveled all the way from Colorado to see their great grand son Finn!!

ひいおばあちゃんの腕に抱かれながらすっかりご機嫌!う~いつもこうしていてくれるといいな~。Finn looks so comfortable in his great grandma' arms! I wish he was always this sweet and quite:). Well, even when he cries, I still love him!

Cedarose invited us to her party! We wore our Japanese outfits;
Yukata's and
a Jinbe for Finn!


2カ月たってやっと人前に出てちょっと笑ってくれるようになりました!そしてたくさんミルクを飲んでぷっくりぷっくりすくすく育っています。ミスターダブルチン(二重あご)と呼ばれる事があります。He is 2 months old. Finally he has become comfortable with many people around. probably cause we keep dragging him to so many public events. He is drinking so much milk and growing so fast that he has a cute double chin!! we call the double chin, his milk smile!!

すっかりみんなの仲間入り!He is in the circle!!

二人はとっても仲良し。パワー~~~ They are good buddies!!

先日サンセットピクニックをした時。二人して何見てるの?!Evening picnic at
Cedarose's. What are you guys looking at??!!

Wow it's the Moon!! It's such a wonderful life being in the country side with Family!!

この日は同じくひぃおばあちゃんで毎年夏をウィスコンシンで過ごすフロリダからのおばあちゃんマーガレットがディナーパーティーを開いてくれました。まずは皆でゲームをし、その間にマーガレットがディナーの準備!Margaret, who is also Finn's great grandma, invited us for a dinner party! We enjoyed games and Margaret fixed a great meal!

ひぃおじいちゃんと握手!Hello~ great grandpa!

ジェーンおばあちゃんのお膝でご機嫌です!まだはいはいもできないのに立つ練習が大好きなフィン。足の力はめちゃめちゃ強い!He is practicing standing up, even though he has not learned to crawl. Grandma Jane also makes him happy!

今度はお外でカードゲーム!フィンもすっかり仲間入り!3人ものひぃおじいちゃんおばあちゃんに囲まれてフィンは幸せだね!!He fits right in to the family!
...."it's your turn Finn, play your cards!".....
Finn is so lucky to have 3 Great grand parents!!
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