英語の授業の後、今日は雨が降って来たので急きょ午後のカヌーアクティビティーを蜜蝋で作るキャンドル作りに変更。気温もひんやりしていたのでキャンドルメーキングには調度良い!It's rainy day we were going to go for canoeing but we swapped the activity to Bee's wax candle making! It is quite cool and wet day so it's nice for candle making!

蜜蝋を湯せんにかけて溶かしてキャンドルを作っていきます!二人とも真剣!Melt the bee's wax by Double boiling and dip the string one million times! They look very concentrated!!

完成!一つ一つの蝋燭の形が微妙に違うのが手作りっぽくってこれまた味がありますね!Done!! Each candle has a little bit different shape, that is what makes them so unique! I love it!

さてその後はキャシュトンのアーミッシュカントリーをドライブしてアーミッシュのお店でのショッピング!我が家にも大量のメープルシロップをゲット!パンケーキが楽しみだな~~~!Then, we went for Amish shopping! Learning about their culture is very interesting! Clovis got a big jar of maple syrup! I can't wait for his pancakes!!!
Hey! I miss you guys! I try to keep an eye on this, it looks like you guys are non stop busy! Give Finn a big kiss from me!!
Thanks Laurel!! Yes we are working bees!! But it is great that we can do like that!! Finn gives you love too!
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