Keiko finished her 2-week English and Country life course. This is her second time! She came here 2 years ago too. Everyone noticed her English getting better and better day by day! Wow time flies. It's already time for her to go home. But she said she doesn't feel she is leaving because she will come back again!! We are so happy to have you and we look forward to seeing you here in Wisconsin again!!

ケイコちゃんの最後の夜はアドベンチャー君のファミリーとケイコちゃんのファミリーは一緒に夕食を計画。The two host families who are relatives and had Keiko's good bye dinner together.

二人はちゃ~んとお手伝いしてます!Good job boys!!

ホストブラザーのフィンリーはギターをひいてくれました!Finn#1 played the guitar for Finn #2 and the rest of us!!

ファームをとっても満喫して、新たな出会い、そして色々な事を学んだ未佳ちゃん。オーガニックやナチュラルフードを知る機会ができた様です!これから数か月オレゴン州の大学に戻って更に活躍されます!そしてなんと新学期から寮で同じ部屋になるという人がこの小さな町ビロクアの女の子だった事がわかり、この滞在中に一足早くお会いすることができてお料理を一緒にしたりおしゃべりを楽しんだりと!Here is
Mika who Took our farmstay and country activities course. she stayed at Adrienne's farm. She had so much fun with her host family and the activities with us! She said she learned a lot about organics and natural foods so when she goes home she can choose good and healthy food for her and her family!! She will go back to Uni in Oregon where she has been studying since last Feb. But guess what, she found that her room mate in Oregon starting next semester is from
Viroqua !! It's a small world!!!!

オレゴンまではアムトラックで2日ぐらいかけて帰ります!アムトラックの旅、一度は経験する価値あり!She goes back by Amtrak! This trip is getting popular!! we love the Amtrak too!

そしてアドベンチャー君もついにお別れの日が。たっくさんの地元っ子ともいっぱい遊んでお友達になれたようです!みんなビロクアに到着した時よりももっともっと輝いた笑顔してますね!私たちもそんなみなさんの笑顔を見られて、とってもハッピーです!またいつかウィスコンシンへ帰ってきてね!いつでもおまちしてま~す!!Look at Mr adventure! His smile is so awesome and he looks so relaxed and happy!! He said he had so much fun here with his new friends. they did tons of outdoor activities! We are so happy to see everyone smiling! You are always welcome here in Wisconsin!!!! Bye for now!! Thank you!!
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