さて、今年もキカプー川にはカヌーと大自然を満喫しに来た人々で賑わっています!お天気も絶好調!Canoeing on the Kickapoo River is very special! There are a lot of people who come to the Kickapoo for enjoying it's natural beauty!

チームワークでがんばって! Team!! Go Go!!

キカプー川の特徴は、このような岸壁を左右にジグザグとした川を上流から下流へとこいでいくという何ともカヌーにはもってこいの地形!The Kickapoo area has a very unique geography. It is one of the most winding rivers in the world! Since everyone floats down stream it is a very relaxing easy going fun time!

野鳥もたくさん。鳥の鳴き声を聞きながらのんびりカヌーの旅。なんて気持ちがいい!There are a lot of birds! listening to their songs on a canoe is very nice! In the photo you can see a Red Tailed Hawk!

途中にある砂場で遊ぼう!さ~アドバンチャー君も仲間入りしておいで!!They wanted to stop on every single beach! American kids love to be in mud! Let's join them!!

皆ではまれば怖くない!泥んこになって遊んできました!田舎生活って楽しいね!Yes! Good job! Everyone loves mud!! now your living the country life!!
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