ちーぼーマウイ滞在の最終日。夕方の飛行機までの時間を使って、うちから車で10分もあれば到着してしまうイアオ渓谷国立公園へと向かった。ちょっと車で行くだけなのに、このエリアは雨が降っていた。このイアオニードル、高さは2250フィート。ここもマウイに来たら外せないスポット!うわ~首を上向けないと見られないほど突然突き出た山々が作る渓谷。この雨が一層雰囲気を増す! The state park is located on 6.2 acres (2.5 ha) at the end of
ʻIao Valley Road (Highway 32). The
ʻIao Needle (
Kūkaemoku) is a famous landmark in the state park, a vegetation-covered lava remnant rising 1,200 feet (370 m) from the valley floor or 2,250 feet (690 m) when measured from sea level. The needle is surrounded by the cliffs of the West Maui Mountains, an extinct volcano. It was raining so it made the needle loke more
中でも’クカエモク(ハワイアンネーム(’もしくは’イアオニードル’で有名なのがこれ。高さ約671m(2250フィート)。海底火山の噴火による隆起でできた山が浸食されてできて残ったという。カメハメハ大王がハワイを統一しようとして戦ったケパニワイの戦い(1790)の時には多くの血が流れ、流れている川が死体でせき止められたという歴史を持つ。イアオニードルのてっぺんで見張りをしている姿が浮かんできそうな感じ。Aside from its natural tropical beautiful, sacred
Iao Valley has great historical significance. It was here in 1790, at the Battle of
Kepaniwai, that King Kamehameha clashed with Maui's army in his quest to unite the islands. Kamehameha defeated Maui's forces in a ferocious battle that ultimately changed the course of Hawaiian history.
(From Hawaiian myth)
Iao is a daughter of Maui.
Iao had a lover but it was a secret to Maui. One day Maui found out that they are seeing each other.
Iao asked him not to kill the boy so he didn't but he changed her lover into a rock (
Iao needle)
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