Chibo and I belonged to a gymnastic club, we did some awesome but hard
training everyday! All of us had a great time together.
Chibo came to visit us on Maui!! How nice! I am very far away from my friends and family, so I was really excited to have her here!!

パイヤというエリアはサーファーが集まるところ。2日前、クロービスがサーフィンしているときに大量のウミガメを見たというのでお昼はここでホットドック!浮かんでくるウミガメを踏まないように気をつけないといけないぐらい多かったらしい。Here is
Paia. It's famous for surfing. Clovis saw so many turtles 2 days ago here that even he had to be careful not to step on them during surfing!

さてお次はやっぱりハレアカラは外せないでしょ!ということでまたまたあの標高3050mの所までドライブ。今日はちょっと雲が多いみたい。すでにぶ厚い雲が下に見えている。You can't miss Haleakala when you come to Maui. We took her to the crater! Oh thick cloud below us!

さて、クレーターにつきました。今日は向こう側に海も青々と見える!We arrived at the crater! Oh we can
see the ocean behind the crater very clearly !

Chibo took off too!(See the previous blog about Haleakala).

飛行機からの写真じゃないのに雲が下にモクモク。真っ白だから雪みたい!今頃ウィスコンシンは雪で一面真っ白かな~Wow we are not even on a plain but we can see white cloud all over below us! I guess it kind of looks like a white Wisconsin, covered with snow!!

サンセット。バッチリのタイミングでした!今日から3日間はちーぼーとマウイを満喫します!Perfect timing for sun set! We will see more stuff with
Chibo in the next 2 days!!
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