お家のお庭にはココナッツの木がわんさか。年に2回ココナッツの実が大きくなって落ちてきたら危ないのでそれを取る作業がある。費用は1回に付き約3000ドル。(30万ぐらい)ココナッツ。こんなに高くつくんだ、、、、。でもやっぱりココナッツの木はハワイの雰囲気を醸し出してくれる!There are so many coconut trees in our garden! When the coconuts get big and are ready to fall it become a bit dangerous, so the coconuts needs to be picked twice a year. It costs around $3,000 per time. Wow coconuts tree could be very expensive!! But these trees really makes it look
like a Hawaiian house!!

ある朝。朝食にそうだ、お庭のバナナの木に熟したバナナが!!!え~~~い!届かない、、。One morning, we tried to get some bananas from the garden! Oh,,, I wish I was bit taller,,,,

ゲット!I got them!! Go Team Go!!!

う~~んとっても新鮮な味がする!Nice and fresh tasting!!
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