さて、生活の基盤を作らねば。まず必需品となるのが何と言っても車。中古車やや個人で車を売りたい人をひたすら探す。人生の中で何回車買うことになるんだろう、、、。これで4台目。旅人としてはしかたないっか!サトウキビ畑が広がりその向こう側には何とも滑らかな表面を持つ山が! We started our Maui Life so we really have to get a car soon. Oh, how many times do I have to buy a car in my life.... this is the 4th time so far,,,,. But as we are Nomadic people it is kind of necessary. It's so beautiful with Sugar cane field and smooth
surface mountains behind!

20分も車で走ると今度はちょっと違った感じの山。Around 20 min later the shape of
mountains look bit different.

Ocea---n!!! Many Whales are coming soon. (Dec~Apr) I can't wait!!

お花もハワイらしい色の濃~いものがたくさん!The color of flowers are so bright!!

あ!!これってプルメリア!!!まるで絵みたい!!Oh!!! They are
Pulmeria!!! They look like a picture!!

冬でもマウイは暖かい!昼間は28度前後、そして夜は20度前後とかなり過ごしやすい!急にアイスが食べたくなった!ラハイナという町によってアイスクリーム入りかき氷をゲット!Winter in Maui is great weather. During a day it is around 83 F and at night it's around 70F, like Wisconsin's best summer days! We had Shaved ice with Ice cream underneath and syrup on the top! soooo good!

それより何より車、、、探さないと、、、。この2日後、ついに見つけました!トヨタ カムリー 97年式!
By the way we need to find a car!!!!! 2 days later, we finally found a car! ' Toyota Camry 1997!
DMVで手続きをして$10払うだけでOK!こんなに簡単でいいの?メインランドなら購入額のTAXを登録時に払うんだけど、ハワイ州はいらないらしい。We went to
DMV. Took us only 3 min and we just
paid $10 for it. It's all done!!! It's ours now!!! We even didn't need to pay the tax !!? We don't have to pay the tax in Hawaii!!!

じゃ~~~ん!ナンバープレートには、アロハステートと書いてあります!虹もついてるけど、ほんと、マウイ島では毎日といっていいほど虹を見かけます!それに島の北側、南側、山側、海側でめっきり天気が変わる事が多いんです!Look! it says ALOHA STATE on the number plate!! And rainbow!! We see a rainbow almost everyday in Maui!! Maui has very different weather depending on where you are. 30 min driving makes the weather completely
different here!!
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