ウィスコンシンでは、学校は9月に始まって5月に終了。3か月の夏休みはファームを手伝ったり、旅に出たり。日曜日の午後。今年ハイスクールを卒 業した
Graduation season!
Sunday afternoon on June 6
Sirsha had another party after her graduation
ceremony and graduation party with friends. This time the party was for the general community.

数十人、彼女の為にコミュニティーの人たちがやって来た。これが田舎のいいところ!It is so nice that many people came to celebrate her! It's a nice little country community!

手作りランチもとってもおいし~!それぞれ皆のスペシャルレシピが使われた!Home made lunch. Sirsha's motherly elders gathered their favorite recipe!!

ケーキもかわいらしくデコレーション。Cute decorations!!

青空の下のピクニックテーブルで皆で頂きました!Nice outside picnic tables!

Sirsha decided she is going to travel around India this winter so we found a great backpack for her and gave her a hanging hammock that Clovis brought with him when he was backpacking. we also helped pick out a sleeping bag for her that is my favorite model and clovis won't stop giving her advice for traveling. We also put one bag of pasta and a can of Tuna in her backpack for emergency use!! When I was backpacking, I took so much stuff with me,,,, it was not such a good idea. I wish I could have had some advice. We hope she will enjoy her adventure trip and learn alot about an other culture! Traveling is always a great way to find yourselves too!

皆でおしゃべりしたり、卓球をしたり、Chatting and playing games,

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