翌日のブレックファスト!たまたま入ったレストランだったけど、またまたヒットの朝食メニュー。アーティチョークと卵、ベーコン等が入ったターンオーバー、お決まりのハッシュドポテトに卵、ベーコン、それにバターミルクのパンケーキ!Breakfast is one of our favorite meals to have at a restaurant. We found a great one again!
Artichoke Breakfast Turn over, Hushed
potato, eggs, bacon and butter milk pan cake!

妊婦生活も35週目ともなり、そろそろベイビーグッツの準備をとやって来たのはBabies 'R' us! 今までベイビーグッツとは疎遠だった私たち。初めてBabies R us の存在を知りました。Since we are in Minneapolis, we went shopping for Baby goods! BABIES R US??!!

うわ~い!!妊婦さん用の優先パーキング!Wow I am so impressed! they have a special parking spots for Expectant Mothers!!

アメリカでは車なしでの生活は殆ど不可。ベビーカーもカーシートとストーラーのコンビが便利。いっぱいあるけど、どれを選択して良いのやら、、、。機能にうるさいクロービス、困り気味。結局この日は決まらず、、、、。 We have to get a baby
stroller with baby car seat. It is impossible to live without a car here in Wisconsin. Clovis is very picky about function he looks like he is having a hard time... We couldn't decide, so we will take more time to think about which one is the best for us!

うわ~仲間だ!!Oh~~~~ my friends!!

シャワー中心のアメリカのお風呂事情ではこれは必須かな~ I didn't think about a baby bath tub. Since we mainly use shower, yes we will need it!

その他細かなものもお友達が作ってくれたリストを参考に少しずつ購入。Checking off a list that a friend of mine made!!

次はOnce Upon a Childという中古品を扱ったベビー用品ショップをのぞく。Then we went to 'Once Upon a Child'. they have second hand baby goods.

じゃ~ん!何と新品では170ドル位だったのに、$35でゲット!Wow this is about $170 for a new one but we got it for $35!!! It is second hand but still in good shape!

ビヨーンビヨーンと動くベット。なんと12ドル。Babies like those bouncing chairs! It was only $12 used!

旅行が多い私たちにとってポータブルベットは必須。これも何と$18 リサイクルってすてき~!!Since we travel a lot, we need a portable bed!! $18
キャンピングショップへいったら、じゃ~ん!Then we went to
REI for camping goods shopping. And yes! we found it!! Backpack with baby holder!!

Now we are ready for outdoor activities with the baby though we still need diaper, cloths, stroller, and more stuff!!
We are invited for BBQ this evening so let's go back to Wisconsin!!
Chie さん!
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