ミシシッピ川のほとりのキャビンでのホリデーがキャンセルとなり、その代わりに急きょやって来たHatfield。Since our holiday by the Mississippi was canceled we decided to go to Hatfield Wisconsin instead.

ビロクアからは1.5時間ぐらいで行けて、周りには湖がたくさんあり、とっても静かな自然に囲まれた所。It's only 1.5 hour north of Viroqua, but the land scape totally changes to beautiful lakes and northwoods!

Do you remember this life jacket??It was the first baby item we bought for Finn, months before he was born. At that time we thought Finn was a girl but we choose blue boy looking one any ways!

何が起きてるのかわかってるかなフィン?!Do you know what is going on??!!

何見てるの?!we are canoeing!!!!! What are you looking at?!


チエコさんがフィンに下さった絵本の事おぼえてたん?!Wow, do you remember the book that
Chieko gave to you!! it was full of ducks!

クロービスはバックシートで魚釣り!ブルーギルがつれました!Clovis was enjoying his fishing. He caught a Bluegill, good job!

canoeing, he was hanging out with Grandpa George as grandpa made a campfire!

キャンプファイヤーはいいもんだ~ Camp fire is always great! Finn you need to learn to build fires like you dad and grandpa too.

夜はキャビンの中でのファイヤーも!う~やっぱり薪ストーブはいいね~!Another fire inside! Wood fires are always nice!!

Great grandma Margaret and her lovely dog Charlie entertained Finn all night. It was a lot of fun right Finn?!
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