翌日。朝からホットタブでリラックス!Following day, we had hot tub in the morning. It was very nice! Oh we love hot tub!!

最近ジョージ達が購入したボートに乗ろうと、ミシシッピ川が洪水だったので周辺の湖の確認をしてから出かけてのにボート禁止のロープが??!!あれ?ジョージ達テープとってる!いやいや、電話で再度確認したら、禁止テープを取っていいといわれたみたい!ほっ George and Jane bought a boat recently. We were wondering if we can do boating near there since the Mississippi got flooded. They said we can do on this lake but there was a No Boating sign,,,,, ??? George, are you taking off the tape?! Well he called again and they said we can go ahead.

コアラになったフィン。Koala Finn!

Feels good!!

心地よい秋の日のボートは最高!It's great fall boat trip!

さて、ボート遊びの後は夕食作り。今日はクロービスのスモークBBQ. After the boat trip, Clovis started making dinner. It's Clovis' special smoked BBQ!

あらら二人とも疲れちゃったかな~ ZZZ ZZZ

シダローズのお誕生日におじいちゃんおばあちゃんからプレゼントが届いた。Grandma and Grandpa from Colorado sent some birthday present for Cedar!

さ~ようやく夕食!Now it's time to eat!

It took 4 hours to make this BBQ. We had Kabocha from our garden too! It was absolutely delicious!!
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